I’m making drawer boxes and have 5/4” red grandis on hand. Needed finished thickness is 9/16.” Rather than plane the boards to thickness, with the consequent conversion of usable wood to shavings, I’ll resaw and get thin boards (1/4” or so) to save for other projects. Question: which side of the line is best held against the fence, thick or thin? I was thinking the thin side so any wandering of the cut would eat into the waste piece and preserve the full width of the other. Most of the resawing I’ve done to date has been more or less half and half so I’ve never thought much about it. Thanks!
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I press my keeper piece to the fence. Getting 9/16 and 1/4 boards out of 5/4 is ambitious. If they are truly 1.25" thick you have a chance... if they are nominal 5/4 closer to 1" thick feed and flip 'em at the planer for a better shot at getting the 9/16 parts you need nice and flat. Run a few feet through the bandsaw and see what you get.
Thanks for the reply. The remainder piece is a bonus, so the dimension will be whatever is left after cutting. I’ll try a sample with the keeper piece against the fence and assess the result. If my best efforts prove lacking, I’ll go directly to the planer and forego the bandsaw. With current prices, and as a matter of principal, it’s hard to waste wood if avoidable. My boards are a strong inch after being surfaced. Thanks again.
It depends on how good your bandsaw is, but you might have to settle for just two 9/16 boards from a 5/4. After you surface four sides, how thick is the remainder?
I resaw very thin plies, 3/16 being the thickest, and most are under 1/8. The thin parts are always against the fence.
The Bow Guide provides resaw fence is a great accessory.
John, what is your setup to resaw boards that thin?
I have a Laguna 14/12. Right now it has a 3/4" Resaw King blade on it, but a 1/2" Woodslicer does just about as good a job. For short (in height) pieces I push through by hand. For pieces 5 inches and taller I use the Guidepro. Everything goes through the drum sander after.
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