When resawing on a tablesaw I lose aboput 3/32 or .0938 inch from the blade kerf. When resawing on the bandsaw I lose about .03 from the thickness of the blade, plus whatever is lost when jointing the face flat or thickness planing the resawn piece plus whatever waste I cause by not bandsawing an exactly straight line.
Is there really any saved wood when using a bandsaw?
My experience is that you loose much less wood using the bandsaw than the table saw.
You have to joint both so that is common.
If you are having to joint a lot to flatten off the bandsaw, I suspect that your setup is wrong, you are using the wrong blade or you blade is dull.
It takes time and effort to properly setup the bandsaw, but I find it worth tyhe effort.
FWW, among others, have several videos on setting up and using the bandsaw.
Folks use the bandsaw to make thin veneer which is usually done to 'precious' wood. That settled the case for me.
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