Is anyone aware of someone selling replacement chipbreakers and plane irons for primus planes? I have a 4,5,7, and scrub plane.
I tried LN and I got a negative reply there.
Is anyone aware of someone selling replacement chipbreakers and plane irons for primus planes? I have a 4,5,7, and scrub plane.
I tried LN and I got a negative reply there.
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Have you tried Ron Hock?
yes I have, same as LN no luck
Try Highland Hardware.
Highland just sells the regular blade. I am looking for something along the lines of what LN sells. I just purchased their low angle jack plane and I fell in love with the blade.
Might try Steve Knight (Knight Planes)
I never heard of Knight. I'll give them a try.
If I am not mistaken Primus was imported/represented by ECE I believe, I have seen them advertised in recent issues of FWW. You might try them there.
Good luck.
Thanks, but the rep I talked to could not state for any certainty that any of their blades would fit. As I am not a metal worker, I don't want to modify anything made of metal.
Have you tried Lee Valley??
I hear they are very helpful even in a few instances if they dont carry, they tell you where you can get what you are looking for.,41182,43698&ccurrency=1&SID=
Hock will custom make any blade for you. I've not done it myself, but I understand that the price is similar to their regularly stocked blades.
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