I am replacing stair rails. There is some paint overlap on the brick where the rails connect with the building. What is the most effective way to remove the paint?
I am replacing stair rails. There is some paint overlap on the brick where the rails connect with the building. What is the most effective way to remove the paint?
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I'd start with a stiff scrub brush and some comet. Or you could try a pressure washer- just be careful not to blow the brick and the mortar apart. If it won't come off, you can dissolve it with some paint stripper- but keep it confined to a small area so you don't make a mess of the whole wall.
Not sure, but my first thought was using a Jel paint remover and a brass or stiff nylon (plastic) brush. I am not sure if the paint remover will harm the stone/brick but I would doubt that it would.. Not sure I'd use a pressure washer inside a house but sure it would do the job IF the paint was loose....
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