Relocating the Dust Collection Port on a SawStop ICS

We have a 5 HP Saw Stop ICS which has proven to be a great machine and very nice to use. The table extension can not be completely lowered as it runs into the dust collection piping which exits at the back of the saw. Saw Stop states that many people move the port to the side of the machine just to avoid this collision. While they also say that moving the port does not invalidate the warranty, they will not advise what is the best location to move it to. Anyone have experience relocating a Saw Stop dust collection port?
I don't have experience yet, but I soon will! Knowing SS says I can cut the saw w/o voiding the warranty has me wanting to move mine to better suit where my duct drops down. Thanks for the info!
Not sure why this isn’t an easy decision, unless the inside of the ICS is different than my PCS. Can’t you just lower the blade to its lowest setting, and tilt it 45 degrees too, to make sure nothing bangs into to the flex duct inside the saw then mark and cut the hole?
I moved mine (PCS) tonight. First I removed the flat flange section at the bottom to lower it in the cabinet. A 3.5" holesaw from the inside rides in the plastic part to find center, then I drilled through and used a 4" holesaw from the outside to cut the opening. All in all, easy-peasy.
Nice anvil.
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