A friend with a portable mill sold me some wood. He asked me to check on prices and then pay him later. The problem is, the cuts are not really comparable to anything I’m finding at lumber yards here.
Here’s what it is. I got three ash boards, 10′ long, each 3″ thick and 5″ wide. These were the “center” cut of the log, going through the core. I’m going to use them for workbench legs, so checking is not a concern (I expect them to split somewhat).
My question is, do I compare these to 12/4 ash, since they are 3″ thick, and if so, should the price per b/f be higher than or lower than that price? In other words, I don’t know whether the inclusion of the core makes the lumber more or less valuable.
Thanks in advance for any ideas about how to price this wood — I want to give my friend a fair price, but at the same time, I don’t want to pay more than necessary.
The only time I run into hardwood as you've described is in pallets. With all the accompanying splits, twists, bows, and warps. Therefore I would only pay accordingly if offered, especially is its still green. Friend or not the wood is among the lowest grades available, he knows it, and likely would have ended up in the wood stove. If you intention is to whip up a quick and dirty workbench to use for a while, then the Ash will be ok. Something nicer to last, then you may want to reconsider.
The pith is generally cut out of most comercially processed lumber and discarded. So unless your friend is willing to give you the lumber, I would offer to take his trash for free.
We sell hardwood fas+ and we have sold some 8/4, 12/4, 16/4 and thicker wood around here. We expect the bigger thicknesses to be the center of the tree b/c they just don't grow 'em like they use to! the pith of the tree is less desirable but is still usable for you b/c you are not resawing them. right now we sell 12/4 for $3.75/bf. hope that helps
Hi Spalted,
Thanks for your help -- that sounds fair. I've seen some prices for 12/4 ash at over $5/bf and I thought that was too much when the pith is included.
Out of curiously, what part of the country is your mill located in?
Since it comes from the center cant it is really industrial type lumber, like crane matts etc. this is not worth much at all.
OK, I called a lumberyard in Bristol, VT. They said that they weren't cutting ash but that they had some similar boards in maple today. For 14/4, they said that they charge $0.50/bf.
There you go, it should make nice firewood. This stuff will blow apart as it dries.
Lumber like that is often used for pallets and would grade maybe 3A and for sure 3B.
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