Pratt and lambert Cabinet Rubbing varnish Reducer

dees anyone know what I can use to reduce some very old ( 1967 vintage ) Pratt and Lambert Cabinet Rubbing varnish? I have a little bit of Exode Reducer left but not enough for a project I am just starting. I used most of it up over the last 40 years on the other quart of varnish.
will Mineral spirits work or does anyone have any better reducer?
If your can of varnish has been opened then the probability is extremely high that it is over the hill. For that matter, even without having been opened it is long past the typical shelf life for varnish. Mineral spirits would be just fine as a reducer for the varnish, but test rigorously before using on a project since odds are against your varnish being good. Personally I'd buy a new can.
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