thanks to all the responces on my slightly bowed fence
i was able to read responces, and was responding to first one when computer shut down. now im having problem even finding my origional statement…
anyways, i was hoping to hear that the very slight bow was not an issue… and that was the consciences. i knew at 90 degrees there would not be an issue…i wasnt so sure at 45,22 1/2 etc… the machine is brand knew and i wanted to deal with it now…am in the middle of garage remodel and wont be setting up the machine till new year.
regardless thanks for you input, it was greatly appreciated!!!
Sounds like you lost track of your post because you had already read all of the responses, so it doesn't show up in your "unread messages" list. When this is the case, go up to the top of the column (above the topics list) to the "Show Discussions" box and select "of High Interest" from the drop-down list. This will show you all the discussions you've posted to, and any you've marked as "High Priority."
forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
thanks for the advice
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