I will be purchasing a table saw shortly for a small custom furniture shop. Ideally I want a saw with the knife rising and falling with the saw blade. I noticed the powermatic 2000 has this feature. Does anyone know how good this saw is? Are there any other saws out there with this feature around the price of the powermatic? Any other comments regarding powermatic? Laguna? Delta? <!—-><!—-> <!—->
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Thanks <!—-><!—->
You may want to look at http://www.general.ca I have owned one of their 10" cabinet saws for 21 years and have not had one problem. It is cheaper than Delta and better quality.
Thanks for your reply.
Do you know if their table saw has the knife that rises & falls with the saw blade and arbour and stays level with the top of the saw blade (like the powermatic 2000)? Also how is their custom service? Have you ever needed parts?
I have a splitter and guard but have never used it. They have to be removed when you want to rip thin strips.In 2001 I bought a Powermatic Model 27 shaper and it was like a painted Jet. The spindle did line up in the center of the table hole and I could not get it to line up. The spindle clanked when I turned it on until I tightened the pulley really tight. I would never buy a new Powermatic again. I would buy an older one first. Guards and a knife would be the least of my concerns. I think the after market ones are much better. I have never had a problem with stress free lumber that is straight. I have never had to repair my saw except for new V Belts. I own two General jointers, a tablesaw and had a 15" bandsaw. Everyone of them have performed well.
I've had the PM2000 in operation about a month now. After PM resolved some fence issues it has performed beautifully. Home page of FWW has a link to a recent review of cabinet saws you might find helpful.
I have a powermatic 66, a 6" long bed jointer(54A),a PM 15 planer and a 719 t Mortiser,I have been running most of these machines for years and have had no problems with them.I had some delta machines before and had problems with them,although people swear on them,I dont care for them.I think Its all in what you want.I am not all powermatic,I have a shopfox 3Hp shaper and some other tools.do your home work and also check out the Sawstop tablesaw,it has the riving knife and a saftey feature that could be handy.I am not saying that you should buy all powermatic I am saying I like mine alot.Good luck
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