Yankee game is in a rain delay so there’s time to ask for some advice. Thinking of purchasing a portable planner. Use will be from light to medium heavy work. Any suggestions please.
Thank you,
Edited 6/21/2003 2:11:57 PM ET by SA
Yankee game is in a rain delay so there’s time to ask for some advice. Thinking of purchasing a portable planner. Use will be from light to medium heavy work. Any suggestions please.
Thank you,
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I've had my Delta 2-speed 13.5" planner for over 18 months and still love it. The results are impressive. I've been doing alot of figured cherry during that time period so that's a pretty tough challenge for any planner. WITHOUT wetting the boards I get mirror smooth results. I highly recommend it.
I also like Delta, thanks for the response. How is the weight of the tool. I think the Dewalt is approx. 6 lbs, - the Metabo 9 lbs, those weights can be heavy during continued use but I don't want to buy something undersize?
6lbs?!?!?! I don't think we're talking about the same kind of portable planer. I'm talking about one of these:
Weight is listed as 97 lbs. But I suspect that's fully packaged. I think mines around 70-75 lbs.....
6 lbs. -- wouldn't it be wonderful?!forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
On the rare ocassion I actually pick it up, it sure would be easier!!!
My error in not speciifiying which type of Planer. I should have said, hand held. - Not a portable surface planer,
Again thanks for your comments, by the way anyone up in the N.Y. Westchester area? That's where I am.
I think from the weights, you are probaly referring to a hand-held portable planer and not a bench-top. If that is the case, I have the Bosch and love it. I got the more expensive one as it has a much better fence and a little more amp.
I have the Delta 2 speed BT planer also at 97 lbs. Love it if you get in the market for a protable BT.
I have the Elu and it work great. It's not too loud either. The Bosch sound like a good one too. The Elu has indexed carbide cutters instead of the steel ones.
Where did you get the Elu? Are you in the UK. One of my first routers was Elu. Got it from a British friend back in the mid 70's. I don't know of a source of Elu tools in the U.S. There probaly is, I just don't know of one. Story of my life. ha..ha..
Have a good week-end...
SARGE: ELU = Dewalt & Black & Decker,there all in cahoots these days..LOL
Thanks... I knew they had merged as I have the DW 621 plunge router. (See post to david) I was just wondering if they still produce anything under the straight-up Elu name.
Looks like the answer is no. I guess another one bites the dust. < G >
Have a good week-end, Doc...
SARGE: NOT a 100% sure but me thinks they still market the ELU brand name in the UK, there was a Bloke on a other forum-ya I know there are no better forums than Knots, anywho he was comparing ELU power tools to what we have here,there must be some Damn cool ELU stuff over there!!if B&D aka Dewalt was smart which we all know there not,only damn greedy,, they would market that great ELU stuff here..
Yep, you're probably right. My original Elu was a nice router. I love the DW 621 plunge also. It has the smoothest plunge mechanizm of all the mid-sizes. It's not a good table mount though. I use it for hand-held plunges.
Probaly see ya tomorrow...
I'll bet they do but they can't market under there name very easily. I work with carpenters that will only buy what they think is American. They are very nationalistic. Everything has to be black and yellow. Another issue is our market is sooo big. You'd have to have support and maybe Elu doesn't want to be that big.
Good points. I understand about wanting to buy American. Seems everything is made elsewhere now though. When I worked with GM after Viet Nam, I saw them start producing 4 cyl. engines down in Mexico in the mid-80's. Since then a large portion of parts come from over-yonder.
If B&D, DW and Elu are aligned, there wouldn't be much sense in bringing the Elu over here. Most here don't know about Elu. Same thing trying to market DW over in England. Most there don't know about DW. Since the profit goes in the same pocket, it would be dumb for Elu and DW to compete with each other.
Just curious, does any of the guys or gals you work with use Hitachi sliding compound mitre saws? All the trim carpenters here in the Atlanta area are pretty patriotic too, but you see as many Hitachi sliding mitres in this area as DW's. Both are common as we have a Hitachi Service Center about 6 miles from my house and a DW Service Center about 12 miles away from me. That may be the reason for so mamy Hitachi's here. But the people that use them swear by them.
I got one and I can't complain. Picked it up several months ago at Lowe's on close-out as they have the new model with the improved fence. For $237, it was an offer I couldn't refuse. Now, I could shoot it with yellow paint. ha..ha..
Have a good evening...
Years ago I had the elu ,at that time it was impressive compared to the others I had experienced . I have the Metabo now . It has done some nice door bevels ,carbide blades are inexpensive and hold up to removing paint .I find that to many times i have accidently locked the switch on ,,, not good ,,has almost chopped me up .for the later reason i advise against it .But direction directional chute adjustment is the way to go .So maybe look into the bosch .I think that little 100$ bosch is excellent .maynot be a doormans tool ,but sure is nice .
I got the upgrade fo the Bosch. About the only difference in it an the $100 one is a better fence. Has slight amp advantage, but minimal. All the Bosch tools I have just feel good in the hand also. Just my thouhgts.
Have a great day...
I bought it in the early 90's. The black and Decker service center was selling them. I have the 1/4 plunge router too and it's identical to a Dewalt I saw.
I was aware that Elu was designing for DW as I have the DW 621 plunge. It's got Elu written in the design, except it's yellow. ha.. I suppose Elu doesn't produce on their own anymore. Probably what you got was a close-out of the original after the merger with B&D, DW, etc.
Thanks for the reply...
I have a Dewalt hand held planer,works great.. & IM NOT a Dewalt Fan...
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