Performax 16-32 drum sander Pros/Cons..
There is a guy selling a Performax 16/32 for $400, seems like a good deal. Only damage is conveyor speed knob broke off; uses a screw driver to adjust speed not a big deal to me. Any opinions?
There is a guy selling a Performax 16/32 for $400, seems like a good deal. Only damage is conveyor speed knob broke off; uses a screw driver to adjust speed not a big deal to me. Any opinions?
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Sounds like a good price depending on condition. New I think they go for around $900+ but don't quote me on that.
I really like mine as with it I can get smooth even surfaces. Only downside to me is that it's not a wood hog but I've never really tried. Take very slim and perhaps multiple passes and have patience and you should be good to go.
The belts tend to be a little pricy from Performax/Jet or so I'm told. I've had mine for a little over a year now and am pleased with its performance but am still using the belts that came with it.
Bob @ Kidderville Acres
A Woodworkers mind should be the sharpest tool in the shop!
The newer version has a Jet lable on the same machine. Which runs about $1049 if I recall correctly. And just over $100 for a set of casters and about $100 for the pair of in/outfeed tables. Suggest passing of the jet casters. The casters for the Kreg router table are much nicer and run about $60.
$400 is a good deal if it runs well. Check underneath the feed belt to see if the ceramic tracking guides are still there, they do get lost. And be sure to get a gum rubber belt cleaning erasor. The best accessory investment you can make.
I have the 10/20 baby brother and love it.
Work Safe, Count to 10 when your done for the day !!
Bruce S.
MY daughters got me one SIZE smaller.. I love mine! Performax SOMETHING.
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