I am going to do first trial with this on a small bench that has been stained – G.F. Gel. Looking for feedback from users (or ex-users). I know that it has a fairly pronounced amber color which is a plus for my purposes. Thanks in advance.
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Arm-R-Seal satin is my go to finish on cherry and similarly colored woods. I have also used it over various gel stains. Do a test first, but you may want a barrier coat of shellac (1# cut) between the stain and the finish coats to prevent any lifting of the stain.
Thanks, will do test with light shellac cut
I like Arm-R-Seal a lot. I cut it 50:50 with mineral spirits to make a wipe-on finish and apply thin coats. In warm dry weather you can apply a coat every 12 hours, and 5-6 coats give a very nice finish. Knock down any bumps with 600-800 grit sandpaper between coats. I agree with the suggestion of a coat of shellac over the stain before the varnish.
I often apply this wiping varnish after a coat of danish oil rather than stain, which brings out grain nicely. Make sure to wait 3-7 days for the danish oil to cure before applying the varnish, but I don't use a seal coat of shellac between in this case and it works great.
I recently tried it along with a lot of other finishes, trying to find something for a unique application. I didn't care for it. It left the wood very blotchy, and won't be using it.
Just my very limited personal experience.