Hey FG-
Did you ever get the blade guard? Now on sale, ~175. I’m trying to decide whether to buy or build
Hey FG-
Did you ever get the blade guard? Now on sale, ~175. I’m trying to decide whether to buy or build
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Hi Johnny, the PSI guard has arrived at my hubby's work in Oregon, but I won't get it here at home until a week from tomorrow. What is it you want to know? Kent talks about his in this post. And he has a detailed look on his web site.
In a way, I'm kinda glad about the delay. We're having a couple of weeks of sunny weather here, and I'm using it to get firewood cut and stacked, one last mowing of the field around our house, and other outdoor necessities. It should be raining by the time it gets here, and I'll be happy to play inside the shop.
forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
Another proud member of the "I Rocked With ToolDoc Club" .... :>)
That was a pretty good sale. I've had one for a few weeks. It's not as heavy duty as the excalibur but at 1/3 the cost it's ok.
Where is the splitter?
Thread after thread emphasizes the importance of a splitter, even over the guard. I agree. Where is your splitter?
That was a good spot!. Just received the micro jig splitter and installed. The picture did not show, because I had not had time to put in in yet. I use the forrest thin kerf blades so the original micro jig did not work. I put in an e-mail to them several weeks back when I ordered the PSI and asked if they were putting one out for thin kerf blades. They responded that one was on the way to production and would let me know when it was available. A salesman called and told me it was ready and I ordered one. They are really nice. They were also offering a few bucks off and free shipping.
When I did cut with out one I was uneasy, I'll admit. Until the PSI was installed I used the stock Grizzly setup. I used the push sticks and blocks on the wood between the blade and the fence and made D**mn sure the saw did not have a heel problem. Stood to the side as well. Fortunately I never experienced any problems, but I feel much safer with the splitter in. The micro jig is very inexpensive and being safe is the way to go. Here is my earlier post on the micro jig
Edited 10/2/2004 9:22 am ET by bones
Edited 10/2/2004 9:27 am ET by bones
The PSI unit will cover larger splitters also. I have the Merlin splitter on my Jet contractor saw. Have to admit, though, I didn't think about what someone with a stock splitter might do. I suppose you could cut off the guard part and just leave the splitter?
It's easy enough to make a little splitter (either wedge or post) for your tablesaw inserts, but it will lack the anti-kickback pawls that splitters like the Merlin have. Here's a link to manufacturer.forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)Another proud member of the "I Rocked With ToolDoc Club" .... :>)
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