Anyone else out there ever had problems with a PC 7518 router? I have mine mounted in a Bench Dog lift and when I am using my panel bit on low speed the router will stop (and hum). I’m not really feeding that fast and usually take a couple of passes. I can switch it off and right back on and it seems to be fine until I start the feed again. Things work fine on high speed with smaller bits. Any ideas?
Thanks, Bill in GA
I understand that it's a fairly common (unfortunately) issue with the electronic speed control on the 7518 PC routers, I believe the cure is to replace the speed control board in the router.
I figured as much. Shezzz...I see that part is around $100. Oh well, the wife was asking what I wanted for Christmas...
I have a PC plunge, not sure of the model as I sit here, and have had a similar problem. I solved it by energizing the on/off switch before mounting the router in the table. Mine has a loose weighted mechanism in the switch that does not like gravity pulling it in the opposite direction. I then turn the machine on/off with an auxiliary switch on my table.
I have also noticed that vibration seems to want to slow the machine down, can't explain it!
Edited 12/10/2008 3:49 pm ET by RonT
Yep, I've done that. Switch on, control it with a remote switch. I think I'm just going to have to buy the speed control board. Bummer...
Usually, my tools hum when they don't know the words. Merry Christmas
Always one in the crowd! :) Merry Christmas!
Just curious because I have a PC7518, how old is your router?
About 2 1/2 years...It's being doing this about a year. My speed control board will be in Wed and I'll replace it this weekend. I'll update the post and let you know the results...
Hi Bill,
Happy Holidays! I work on power tools for a living and I'd suggest having your local (I hope) Delta/PC repair center check the tool out. You could have anything from a bad control circuit board, as already suggested, or, you could have a problem with the armature or field. Delta/PC has a repair cost guarantee for all their tools. Check with your local center to find out what it is for that tool. They can fix whatever the problem is and you won't pay more than the "max repait cost." If the repair turns out to be less than the max cost, you pay the lesser amount. Make sense?
It's hard to diagnose that sort of stuff in this kind of forum without being able to put hands on the tool to see what it's doing but that's my best suggestion. Hope the problem gets solved!
Unfortunately this is a known problem with the 7518. About 1 in 50 had the speed control board die early. It's such a great router I rolled the dice and bought two. 5 years of heavy use and no problems yet, (knocking on wood as I type this).
Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.~ Denis Diderot
I hear you about the speed control being a known problem. I should have come armed with more information. I know the cost of the circuit board is about 100 bucks. What I still don't know off the top of my head is what PC's Max Repair cost for that tool is. I know I've done repairs on 18 volt recip saws and have put over 200 bucks in to the tool and the customer only paid 99 bucks plus tax. ( I know we're not talking about a recip saw, just trying to make a point) Just for grins, I'll try to remember to find out what the max repair cost for that tool is on Monday and I'll let you know. Might be useful info for the future. In the mean time, I'll keep my mouth shut unless I have all the facts! (laughing)
Tis better to be silent and thought a fool than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt. (don't know who said it)
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