I’m searching for plans, ideas, etc. for shopmade outfeed tables for the 8″ benchtop planer/jointer. I know there was a good article in some ?? WW magazine, but can’t trace it down. Any help would be appreciated.
I’m searching for plans, ideas, etc. for shopmade outfeed tables for the 8″ benchtop planer/jointer. I know there was a good article in some ?? WW magazine, but can’t trace it down. Any help would be appreciated.
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The first thought that came to mind is why not use an existing surface for an outfeed table? It could be your workbench, you tablesaw, router table, etc. I envision a portable stand for the planer/jointer that would align heightwise with one of these options.
If you use the table saw a problem can be the miter slots if you're outfeeding across them. A thin piece of plywood with a cleat on one end (to keep it from moving) works quite nicely. Just make the stands' height with that in mind.
Edit: Not sure if you have a small woodshop but space is always an issue I, eh?
Bob @ Kidderville Acres
A Woodworkers mind should be the sharpest tool in the shop!
Edited 8/28/2009 8:50 am ET by KiddervilleAcres
This may be the one you're thinking of:
The article was in issue #202
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