I finally finished my bookshelf. I just attached the back tonight, put the shelf hangers in, and guess what? The shelf is about 1/4″ too wide, and I already applied the finish. Lesson learned on the value of dry assembly.
What would be the best way to trim the shelf width without damaging the finish? It’s plywood with hardwood edging on the front, so the sides aren’t finished, but I’m afraid that whatever I do will cause visible damage on the top/bottom of the shelf. Should I put masking tape on the end of the board and trim it with the table saw?
If you have a crosscut sled, then it won't get scratched, as it will ride on the sled. If not, then you can use a sacrificial piece of plywood underneath the finished shelf, upside down on the TS to cut it to width.
I would take some kraft paper (grocery bag stuff) and wrap the entire shelf, except for the area around the cut, fully taping the paper so that there are no loose edges to get caught. I would then wrap the area of the cut with a couple of layers of tape. Then I would hold my breath and make the cut.
You may want to take a very sharp knife - a utility knife for instance and cut a line exactly where you intend to cut to with the saw. Use a very sharp blade on the saw and yes, tape the piece as well. That should really minimize any tearout.
I've found masking tape to really gum up the tips of saw blades (that's how I got my start . . . ); there must be another way. Doesn't seem like your in such a bad spot: how many woodworkers have wished they had too much material, rather than too little?
A straight edge clamp and a router with a sharp straight bit will make the cut without making a mess. You could even score the cut line with a sharp knife if you wish.
Eric , Why not set up a router with a straight cutter and just trim it off , touch up as needed .
Thanks for the feedback guys. I think I will use the router instead of the TS. I'll let you know how it goes.
It worked just fine. Took me longer to set up, but the cut was nice and clean.
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