Oneida mini Gorilla on sale – opinions?

I just got an e-mail from Oneida about a sale price for the Mini-Gorilla, portable 1.5HP cyclone dust collector at $795 plus freight.
Does anyone have this machine or know much about it?
My shop shares space with my wife’s car and the laundry and for some reason the wife thinks sawdust is unbecoming to both. I just have a Delta hybrid TS, an old Delta bandsaw, router table and CSMS. There’s very little space with only half the garage at my disposal, so there’s really no good place to mount a big DC system.
Any thoughts?
I see it is 3X3X3 feet. Would you have room to wall mount it as in a corner or other place that does not obstruct your work footprint?
I have been looking at this unit as well. I haven't found anyone in my area, mid-MI, that has one or knows someone with experience with it. Keep us posted.
That unit seems a bit pricey compared to other small-ish models on the market. Is the Oneida that much better?
What others of that size and portable? I'd like to take a look at them too.BruceT
"What others . . . ?"To be honest, I don't have room for a DC system, so I haven't actually studied what's available. In my (admittedly limited) mental file of DC systems for which I've seen ads, I was thinking that the Delta system was also on wheels, and sold for a couple of hundred bucks.
More than a couple hundred, I think, but it uses bags that allow the fine particulates to blow through. That .2 - 2 micron stuff is the worst breathing hazard because it floats in the air for hours and can get into the finest airways in your lungs.Mini Gorilla is interesting to me because it takes up only 3'x3'x3' of floor space and stands just 62" tall.BruceT
Edited 12/25/2008 10:00 pm by brucet9
Is cyclone dust collection reallythe way to go , I am also interested in a better collection system.
HomeSolutions,I think the answer is 'it depends'. I bought a Jet 1.5 with Dust Devil about a year ago. It was expensive but much less than the Oneida. My shop is small so I move it from machine to machine, it
s not a problem because that is how I work anyway. Overall, I was very impressed with the quality of air improvement. Not so much with the dust pick up however. I don't believe the problem is with the DC but rather with the design of the machines. The DC works wonderful with the planer, much less so with the bandsaw and kinda okay with the cabinet saw. Many here have modified their equipment to improve the dust collection capabilities. My point is I don't believe there is a huge difference between the two systems, the air is a lot cleaner but the dust pickup is limited by the equipment.Now, I also used my DC the other day to pick up general debris in the shop...shavings, sawdust, etc. By mistake I sucked in a good size block of wood (2x4x4). It hit the impeller and somehow caused a serge in power destroying my remote control. The DC started up again without a problem..but the remote control died. So now I'm thinking the cyclone prevents this from happening and maybe that is an additional advantage. Also, perhaps being easier to dump the cyclone would get used more...maybe.
Edited 12/25/2008 11:09 am ET by BG
I guess your right in that it depeends because no matter what a peerson uses if it is not hooked up rightit will not work.
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