Interest in hand tools is definitely filled with passion here on Knots and other sites I visit. Users stridently defend the merits of one toolmaker over another with no words spared in some threads. I’m not surprised, its a deeply personal thing.
At times I shake my head when I read about a son or grandson looking at grandpap’s tool box and disgarding the folksy handmade tools and keeping the high tech A2 steel collection for their bench. Too bad. I like the old cracked handle that says “he used this one a bunch” and I want to pick it up and feel the balance. Enough.
Thought I would post a picture or two of the old handmade tools that caught my eye. Might be interesting??
a bellows from CW. Check out that turning.
carved post done with a chisel made with iron and steel forge welded to the softer iron. How did they do it without a diamond stone?
love that tomahawk.
just some eye candy.
Edited 5/20/2009 9:10 pm ET by danmart
The tools are nice; the photos are outstanding.
"I sometimes think we consider the good fortune of the early bird and overlook the bad fortune of the early worm." FDR - 1922
there are a few hand made tools in my shop and home. among them, a hand forged and shaped soldering iron, split steel and copper business end with hand made and set rivets. love to just pick it up and fondle it. also a few pre-colombian, mexican copper blades and arrow heads as well. the makers touch and expertise evident all over each one. even as a kid, i loved to spend time looking at, and fantasizing about, tools i got to see in museums. i guess these early musings were the beginnings of later tool love and use. the photos you posted are beautiful.
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