I’m making some trays based on this piece
I did one of these before and used a wipe on poly finish with a final coat of paste wax. This makes for a nice finish but I discovered it was not good for the tray surface as things slipped all over. I would like a finish for the tray surface that keeps the beauty but is more functional. I was also considering using the same finish, sans wax, and leaving the tray surface with a less-smooth surface, perhaps 100 grit sandpaper.
Don't use wax this time.
But finish sanding to higher than 100 grit. Go to 220. Try using a spar varnish. Spar is a "long" varnish (a higher ratio of oil is used in the oil/resin cooking stage of the varnish production) which results in a slightly softer (but still very durable) surface.
Objects won't slide around so readily on the spar varnish surface.
Thanks, Rich.
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