Checkit out! It even has an endorsement from Derek! Tom
Checkit out! It even has an endorsement from Derek! Tom
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Nice one. Just think of what you could make if you only had one...
Imagine if I had two of them...
Chris @
(soon to be
- Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer
You must have a pair-left and right....Philip Marcou
I'm getting one to replace my wife's "veggie-matic" for more hand cut looking vegetable platters. Great idea as many will probably be sold to factory assembly line hand crafted factories to speed up production. It just gets better each and every day. Hard to imagine how WW'er's got by in the nineteenth and twentieth century. ha.. ha... ha..ha..ha..
Lee Valley says that you can find the previous "new products" for the last five years by searching for AFD. It's giving me a "not found" result. Anybody having success?
a hobbyist's journey
Look here. I just put April Fools in the regular search box.
forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
Edited 4/1/2009 11:33 am by forestgirl
Found em, thanks.It looks like they spend as much time in R&D and machining these "new products" as they do their other products. I guess if something is worth doing.....I'd love to get the honing guide, but I need to wait until they get similar sized waterstones. Although I suppose, you could line up the different grits and work that way.
a hobbyist's journey
My favorite by far was the pouchless tool belt! The description's hilarious.
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forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
Edited 4/1/2009 11:32 am by forestgirl
I did get the pouchless toolbelt....I was stuck to my tablesaw for a week.
a hobbyist's journey
What's so amazing to me about these pranks is how seriously they take them--these are real creations, if only for the prank. There's a lot of time and some money in some of 'em. This years especially. It's a great gag that I look forward to each year. Great fun. Thanks, LV! Tom"Notice that at no time do my fingers leave my hand"
I hear LV has a gang chisel set under development to pare multiple dovetails simultaneously. It will complement the new dovetail saw. Perhaps Derek has an article of the new saw and the gang chisel prototype under way.
Before you get the gang chisel set, you need to acquire the single pin/tail saw. This double saw is angled to cut one complete pin or tail in one swift operation. It cuts a perfect joint every time - you don't even have to measure....
Great advice. Headed down to the shop now to turn a three-headed mallet for the gang chisel set.
And of course there's a gang mallet set to drive the gang chisel set.EDIT: Darn, beat to the punch!Chris @
(soon to be - Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer
Edited 4/2/2009 2:09 pm by flairwoodworks
great minds think alike
That has got to be the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen!
hint: re-read ForestGirl's post . . . . . . . . . . .
yeah, my employee's still stuck to the side of the van thanks to tool belt!!
Unbeknownst to many, I'm actually a deep undercover product design tester for Lee Valley and I've had the gang-cutting dovetail saw for months, now. Matter of fact, I've got an optional attachment for it that you guys probably won't see for a while - the optional concrete gang groove cutter attachment (the OCGGCA-10B, as it's known inside the "Lee Valley skunk works"). I grooved my concrete driveway by hand with it! Yeah, it took all winter, but you would not believe the grip I get when I pull into the driveway! Snow, ice, sleet, the odd oil spill,...doesn't matter, it's like you're riding on sticker Michelins. All four wheels are hooked up! Completely neutral, unbiased review to follow,...
Well Ed.... is that snow.. ice.. sleet you used to test being delivered to Meridian via commercial refrigeration trucks or what.... ha.. ha... ha..ha..ha..
Have a good day.. take a break from testing and go play some golf.. and dust off the pollen on your clubs before taking the shot as the extra weight could throw off the swing and compromise connection with the sweet spot on the club head. That used to be my excuse every spring when I played. :>)
Edited 4/2/2009 11:37 am ET by SARGEgrinder47
You know golf is not a bad idea. We've got some really nasty thunderstorms on the way but won't be here 'till late this afternoon."I don't think the heavy stuff is coming down for a while." - Carl Spackler, "Caddyshack"Regards from Miser-rippy, Ed"Yes, but what's good for me ain't necessarily good for the weak-minded." - Augustus McCrae, Lonesome Dove
Thunder-boomers are knocking on my shop door as we speak. Be sure to use your set of clubs with the water-proof glue holding the grips on the shaft.
Sawing in the rain in Georgia... po boy's can't afford a roof. :>)
You issue the ridiculous claim: "You know golf is not a bad idea".
Shurely shome mishtake as the whole concept of knocking a wee ball into a slightly larger hole with a stick is, well, inexplicable - except in terms of a spasm of the brain regions. I recommend a period of therapy in which you pursue some proper sports such as cycling the Trossachs in tight & colourful lycra, surfing a 40 foot freak at Manly with no leash or bush-walking without the gaiters.
Lataxe, sports therapist
Playing golf is one of the things that separates me from the proletariat masses, comrade.For you do have to be something of an individualist to do something as silly as invest so much emotional (and sometimes a s'kosh of financial) capital in hitting a little ball long and straight.But lets revisit this label of "inexplicable" - I maintain that whoever invented the game of golf, be it the Scots or Chinese depending on what you read, understood the human psyche thoroughly and comprehensively. If you play 18 holes you will always, no matter what, hit one perfect shot that will bring you back the next time. There's genius in that. BTW, I think that the whole concept of lycra involves not listening when gravity is talking to you.Take care, Ed"Yes, but what's good for me ain't necessarily good for the weak-minded." - Augustus McCrae, Lonesome Dove
"If you play 18 holes you will always, no matter what, hit one perfect shot that will bring you back the next time. There's genius in that"...
That says it all and couldn't be truer for 99%. I remember a day when I worked for Anheiser Busch in Tampa before moving back to Atlanta that I actually landed a tee shot in the fairway. Probably the first time my 14th club (which was a Stihl chain saw) didn't get used.
I had no clue what club to use for the second shot which was open to the green. I decided to just putt from 150 yards out as the grass was only about 3" high. ha.. ha... ha..ha..ha..
Had you remembered the C4 ball you would probably have made the hole in two!
At the very least no one in your party would have questioned your score!
Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.~ Denis Diderot
I hold on to C-4 the best I can for emergencies such as heating a can of beenie-weenies in the can after a round. Just a small pinch off a C-4 block will do ya... A man gets hungry after spending the day in the woods on a golf course. ha.. ha...
Ed, Don, Sarge,
I rests my case - you are all mad blokes and need to be taken on a fell walk so that you come to your senses, due to contemplation of long mountain-filled vistas and ant-like folk scurrying about, 3000 feet below, for incomprehensible reasons.
Perhaps there is a need for a-one of those blokes like the ones that go around de-culting lost souls who have become enamoured of a guru-charl or even the writings of that Ron Hubbard? He captures the golfer by springing out from a hideyhole by the bunker, then takes him off in his own golf bag to a quiet place where aversion therapy is applied, like in A Clockwork Orange.
Soon the former golfer has returned to his senses, ritually burned the clubs and taken up woodworking with handtools only.
Hang on! That's even worse than golfin'!
Lataxe, who will return all golf courses to nature when he is made dictator.
Edited 4/3/2009 2:57 pm ET by Lataxe
I gave up the game years ago at this point, Lataxe. I got tired of being the only one on the course wearing a coon-skin cap and sporting a Bowie Knife. Many of the public courses have gone away and it became very expensive to play. In the 70's I played 4 times a week after work. But after moving back to Georgia.. the prices kept rising.. the public courses got further away and what few are left became extremely crowded.
Enough was enough and here I am sporting a fine set of collector Anant's and a stable full of Horse-power. ha.. ha...
Clock work Orange Hmmm. Did you eat sugar cubes back then?
Mr R . Hubbard saved my life, Back in the 70's we were invited to a class that would change your life. After we got the tin can and elecoto meter thing and then the costs associated with becoming "Clear"
I soon learned like P.T Barnum said a Sucker is born every minute!So I ran not walked away from the meeting to save my life. And now have turned into a cynical, cheap Prick. I can smell a multi level marketing scheme from 100 yards.
The last telemarketer I kept on the phone for 45 minutes after he told me I won a free holiday to Florida. Then I told him I could not get a passport due to my criminal record as a murderer. I explained I had done my time. Then I asked him were he lived.Gee haven't heard again from them.
:) :) :)I MUST remember to use that next time! Thanks!!
Regards from Perth
This IS April Fool's Day, isn't it?
Yep. Tom"Notice that at no time do my fingers leave my hand"
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