It is about time to get a new lathe. My old delta is about 15 years old. It is OK. But its time to get something a little better. My question is Who makes a good one now. I know Oneway are very good. But way out of my price range. I’m looking to spend around $1,000.00. Any suggestions. Tim
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It might help to describe the type of work you plan to do.
Depending on the Delta model you have, you may have trouble improving much with a $1K budget, though.
what delta do you have now and what are the limitations does it have that you need in a new one
$1000 will not get much of an upgrade no matter. You could try the used market, some good older one show up once in a while.
I'm quite pleased with my Nova lathe. I forget the model, but it's the one without electronic variable speed. Works great for everything I do, which is spindles and bowls. Every now and then Woodcraft has it on sale for around $900.
Like the others said, why do you want to upgrade and what are you looking to do?
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