Global warming, war in Afghanistan, China harassing our ships, Iran nuclear power, North Korea saber rattling, bank problems, foreclosures, stock market down, high unemployment, and now American Walnut trees under threat out west. All these problems concern me but I can’t do a thing about any of them. I need to turn the radio off in my shop.
Doesn’t any one have any good news for a change?
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DustyMc <!—-><!—->
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Turn off the talk and put on some music. You'll feel better in no time.
Beat it to fit / Paint it to match
Good one! Not much to add to that.
Regards,Bob @ Kidderville Acres
A Woodworkers mind should be the sharpest tool in the shop!
And THAT'S why I listen to my Ipod at work!!!
Dusty: it's gonna get worse, much worse. Don't turn off the radio, keep listening to everything so that when things turn around and start coming back, you'll appreciate that scenario much more than had you not been aware how bad things are, will get.
I note you did not mention the near miss of an asteroid recently, also the term "bank problems" in your statement really minimizes the situation. Catastrophe, cataclysmic, collapse are terms that more accurately depict the dire state of affairs of the banking system.
I also note that no mention of natural disasters, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, floods, forest fires was made in your comment. Don't forget about these.
I hate to bring up the always present danger of a domestic terrorist attack, or abroad. And are you not aware of the breach of security at a major credit card processing company that could result in identity theft of millions of credit card holders?
I'm sure you have heard about Pickens predication of $300 a barrel of oil in a year or so, the Russian prediction of the collapse of our nation within a year or so, the insolvency of the social security system here, the collapse of our neighbor Mexico, the invasion of Mexican drug gangs into this country, the domino effect from the collapse of GM, Chrysler and Ford.
There isn't too much time anymore to spend worrying about a pandemic flu, mad cow disease, the plight of the salmon in the northwest, melting of the icebergs, e-coli, mall shootings, etc.
But as Alfred E. Neuman says: "What, me worry?"
Oh, that made me feel much better, thanks.
That's just plane mean!!! LOL. Gave me a good laugh.
The truth is I would also listen to talk radio all day so I could keep informed and guess what ... all I did was worry.
turn on some good jazz and chop a mortis.
I found myself getting very stressed out listening to All Things Considered every AM. By the time I got to work I felt noticibly anxious. I have started listening to Gregorian Chant on the way in. It really is very relaxing. I'll probably get flamed by the guy who wants to strangle people in priest guts, but you should try this.
I've found another way. I'm headed out the door for a drive to wood craft!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.
I've found another way..
I listen to old 1940's 'Swing'
Hi Frank, I love listening to music while I work but I find the radio stations here somewhat lacking in their variety and programing.
Everything is either Arabic/Hebrew or that modern dance/pop music which I sometimes think is the cause of violence and immorality (not that jack the knife was a good guy)
So I try to play my jazz and classic rock mp3s at work.
I agree, the hip hop stuff makes me uncomfortable. My son is playing the saxaphone and I am starting to listen to a litte Jazz. It isstill new to me.
which I sometimes think is the cause of violence and immorality (not that jack the knife was a good guy) LOL.. LOL I loved that old song!
which I sometimes think is the cause of violence and immorality..
I remember my mother comming into my room and turning off the radio when I listened to 'ROCK AROUND THE CLOCK!...
I hear ya, What can we do? We all got a little hypocrite inside us all! LOL
DJ was up over 300 points today. I second the motion for music v. news. I sang along to James Taylor in the shop today, and I feel great tonight. Tom
Had JT on all day yesterday, tomorrow Vivaldi.
Sounds good to me. We have an excellent public radio station in our area, but my radio doesn't have ANY reception in the garage. I've got an idea to boost the antenna; hope it works. I love npr and public radio. But I've got plenty of cd's too! Tom"Notice that at no time do my fingers leave my hand"
Alot of the NPR stuff if podcast -- all you need is an MP3 player and a radio, speakers or headphones to hook it up to.forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
That's how I kept up with Fresh Air when the station in Houston only had it on their HD side. I've got a cheapie radio/cd/cassette player in the garage. I'm going to try running speaker wire up in the attic above and stapling it to the joists and attaching it to the antenna screws on the back of the player and see if that helps. Tom"Notice that at no time do my fingers leave my hand"
Your lucky about not having any reception in the garage. NPR is pretty much "socialist radio". I used to really enjoy their programming but have since stopped listening to them since it has now turned into an Obama cheer leading group.
I find that I get more work done when listening to music anyhow. I listen to mostly classic rock though. Plug my MP3 into my radio and away I go!
Edited 3/13/2009 9:02 am ET by jurassicjet
To each his or her own. I've always enjoyed NPR, especially "Morning Edition and "All Things Considered". Tom"Notice that at no time do my fingers leave my hand"
Up here we have the CBC on. the People's channel.
Some of the programming is good but others just rudely shut it off because they may have to think, and learning anything is beyond there capacity.I now enjoy the new round of experts and hoping to see how long before they are wrong!
I think all these experts should be called on the carpet for the prediction come to not pass.Plus side do give exposure to a lot of new musical people. and there comedy hour is best, do not listen to with sharp tools in hand. I can time my sanding for the news report.
As my moma would say:
Are you and your wife and kids healthy? Mostly
Do you have a roof over your head? Yes
Do you have food to eat? Yes
Are you paying your bills? For now till my taxes go up so much I cant anymore, yes
If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it.
And if it stops moving, subsidize it.
In all life is good one day at a time. Grandpa said; ‘sometimes you get the bear and other times the bear gets you’
Dusty,Before my brother died he used to say..." If it can be solved with money it's not really a problem"
The good news is, you have a shop to go to get away from everything. I think things suck too, and I lived through a Jimmy Carter presidency. (Deja vu all over again) Yes, they will get worse, but eventually they will get better.
It's funny. I work with a lot of people that grew up in the old USSR. They came to America to escape socialism, now we have socialists leading this country.
Good Luck,
I got an order today to build a china cabinet(thats god news for me) . I dont build china cabinets but they want one to match a wine bar i built . Dusty try music instead of news.
Mark Rhodes
Ditto to what Hammer said. The soul needs music.
came to a similar understanding a while back. gave up t.v. and, so called, news papers. decided that the real life drama in my own family is more than enough give and take for an entire lifetime. maybe what's directly before each one is enough.
Doesn’t any one have any good news for a change?
Spring is almost here?
The dow jones is up again today! That's 2 in a row.
I’ll take it!
I think the others have pretty much said it all but I for one take a walk everynight with my Golden Retriever buddies, oh and hubby too. We're perched here in the middle of the Rocky Mountains and if there is any place on earth that will set you right at the end of the day it has got to be here. While we're in the shop each day we listen to music and I'm proud to say I've not watched television news in over 10 years. There's just something about those shiny talking heads. I read the WSJ and a local paper daily for the news and life is good.
Business; while many today are focusing on the bad we are busy and keeping a close eye on what's important. We've picked up two nice commissions for board room furniture for, amazingly enough, a couple law firms down in Denver who say business is booming (who'd a thought huh?).
Come to think about it I would challenge you to find more than 3 or 4 consecutive years during any of our lives when we have not been embroiled in some form of massive turbulance, so maybe, just maybe, this is normal and the calm in 04,05 and 06 were the abnormal.
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