For those of you with a woodworking business — what is the name of it?
Please reply with the name of your business, and if you have a website, include the link.
Alan – planesaw
For those of you with a woodworking business — what is the name of it?
Please reply with the name of your business, and if you have a website, include the link.
Alan – planesaw
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I think I'll name it "A New Leaf". anybody get it? My email signature starts off, "Looking for patient customers..."
Thet's me, done hurryin
I use my own name. I think that customers for handbuilt furniture like knowing the person who designed and built it. Using my own name emphasizes that personal involvement.
well it's not just wood working. well, its every thing and only a little woodworking
Andy's Handyman Services
Ductape can fix EVERYTHING!!!
That's a scary picture on your landscaping page.Chris @ flairwoodworks
- Success is not the key to happines. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer
yeah I guess, but only if you really think about it.
Ductape can fix EVERYTHING!!!
I liked Out Of The Woods, but it was taken. Currently, my unofficial business is Flair Woodworks. I have a free website which I can refer people to who want to see my work. It's pretty informal.
Chris @ flairwoodworks
- Success is not the key to happines. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer
I've been "Touchwood" for about 16 years now.
David Ring
I don't run a business, but my blog is Tom's Workbench.
I remember once seeing a van up in the DC area that had the following painted on the back:
"I work for a Jewish Carpenter...
Weintraub Cabinetry."
Tom's Workbench
I'm on the verge of opening and if its not already taken my name will be "Etz Chaim Hea" Which in Hebrew means "Tree of Life" and of coarse it includes my name!
ChaimMake your own mistakes not someone elses, this is a good way to be original !
My business is called "Eitz Hadar Woodworks"...don't know if that's "too close" for ya'. My name is Yitzy so "Chaim" in the business name doesn't do anything for me. Good luck! You can see some of my stuff at
Beautiful Walking Table.
Thanks! The second version just came off the bench. Took pictures, but haven't uploaded them to the website yet.
Mine is The Franklin Woodwright Shop.
Web site shown below.
How about?
- Branch Out
- Chip Off The Old Block
- Wooden You
- Wood Hew
- Naked Furniture
- Leaf Me Be
- Son of a Beech
- Pine Sol (good name if your logo is a tree growing out of the sun)
- Maple Walnut Furniture and Ice Cream
etc etc etc.
Measure your output in smiles per board foot.
mine is my username. I desperately need to update it but since I only get 3 hits a months it's been on the back burner for awhile.
I got 78 views on my website yesterday because of this thread (as opposed to the usual zero I get on a daily basis). If I would update and market it I may have an opportunity with my site.
Edited 2/25/2008 9:34 am ET by mvflaim
Edited 2/26/2008 1:19 pm ET by mvflaim
When it was operational it was "Creative Grain". I still own the name but it is on personal leave for now.
I also use my own name. Being a one-man shop I think that says it all.
Len Bergonia
d/b/a L.L. Bergonia - Furniture Maker
Custom Woodwerks by Jeff Heath
A bit long but still fits on the business card.
No website. Haven't seen a need. Other's I've talked to derive very little new business from their website, so I'm staying neanderthal, for now. Keeping an open mind, though.
Not in business, But
Chisel & Gouge Woodworks, hangs in the shop.
Work Safe, Count to 10 when your done for the day !!
Bruce S.
I was going to use Fine Woodworking, but someone beat me to it.
Regards,Bob @ Kidderville Acres
A Woodworkers mind should be the sharpest tool in the shop!
Those Jerks!Tom Iovino
Tom's Workbench
That's OK. I'm still working on the Fine part!
Regards,Bob @ Kidderville Acres
A Woodworkers mind should be the sharpest tool in the shop!
Like a number of others, I use my own name since I am a one-man shop.
Mine is called Marty's Custom Woodworking. and I've been running it for the past 2 years. I have a website and have found it to be very helpful in attracting business as well as providing a degree of automatic acceptance of a mark of professionalism by potential clients.
Marty Schlosser
I couldn't think of a good name, and I didn't want to use my name. When I revamped my site just recently I titled the pages "The Federal Period" (not very original or creative, but then I'm not very original or creative, that's why I make reproductions).
Rob Millard
I'm getting ready to open up a shop and start a business, but have yet to decide on a name. I've been thinking of just using my last name and being
you know kind of like a brand. But haven't yet figured it out. But I do have a website and a blog. The website is going to be updated with professional pictures and a different lay out here in the next couple of weeks.
Great site. The Makintosh-inspired grill, built right! is really cool and you have a lot of very class work. The blackwood and walnut chair is excellent. If you ever get to Berlin I suggest going to both the Bauhaus museum and the Pergamon archeological museum to check out something like 8,000 years of good design, I know you'll dig it all. Is that your little boy? He looks about the same age as mine (going on 4).I don't have a woodworking business- much to the disappointment and surprise of pretty much everyone I wound up working as a musician and doing woodwork as a hobby rather than the other way around. Actually I didn't touch a tool for a dozen years then recently got back into wood by accident, or fate. The "mojster" (like Meister, or master) doing our simple kitchen was so slow and sloppy that I said "errrr.... what the hell am I thinking?" and dove right into the kitchen and furniture. The first furniture piece I built was a bookshelf from the wood of an Ikea shipping mistake. It seems that people are very impressed with wood-only joinery, which for me is not only the "right way", but a far sight easier becuase I truly hate glue-ups and find dovetails easier than buiscits and pocket screws (cut to a line, my grandfather cut dovetails "freestylee" for boxes and such for crying out loud) so maybe I'll try to sell some pieces, did so years ago. If that ever happens, I'll use the business name of "Morning Wood", hehe. Anyway sorry for the diversion, nice work Kala!-Cameron Bobro
Do you have a good last name?
By responding, I'm giving my website name.
Legaly I'm JMadson, Inc. When I say my company name, I'm JMadson, Custom Woodwork.
I feel, and have heard from others, that my name is strong, short and memorable. was already taken, so I went with
My business name is Old Green Woodworking Co.
and the website is
I use "Donkey Works" - not a business, just wanted to see if grizzly would send a catalog with "Donkey Works" printed on the address...they did.
Coast Mission Design,Inc.
Web under development.
Timberwerks Studio
Website still in progress.
I don't have a website but if I did I've gotten some idea's on naming it from reading this thread.How about Charlie's Werkshoppe?Little German, little Elizabethan English (I think). Bases covered?
Refined Edge Furniture Design
Keep the names and websites rollin' in. Thanks everyone for what you have sent so far. There are some tremendously talented woodworkers out there.
Alan - planesaw
Custom Woodwork ,15 years no web site ,no business card,lots of clients.
Urban Workshop
Urban Workshop Ltd
Vancouver B.C.
cheers. Ill buy.
Well I really don't have a WW business, though I have sold a few pieces.
But, I named my shop Magnolia Shade, as it was built in the shade of a Magnolia....have a sign in the working for it now.
All though I don't have a web site, I have been in business for juuuust a shade over 20 yrs. (advertising only by word of mouth) A few years ago my son started getting into a few creative endeavors of his own so we combined what he was doing (Working on old antique cars ) and my woodworking and still furniture building shop. So we now lump every thing together and call it "Clark Customs"
Jim at
Jim at Clark Customs
Real Woodworks
Years ago after making my young sons first bed that wasn't a crib, my wife looked at it and said "that looks like real wood". I'm not sure what else she may have thought it was made of, but the moniker has stuck and I tease her about it often. It's ok, she's a good sport and has plenty to tease me over as well.
No website. I should
How about a little info from you...
like filling in your profile so we know where you're from...
My business,
Expert since 10 am.
I live in Central PA, am executive of a human services nonprofit. Past president of the woodworking group here. My dad was an architect and owned a building supply/hardware store and had a 3 to 5 day a week 5 or 10 minute radio program for about 35 years called Sawdust and Sandpaper, where he educated listeners about all sorts of repairs and maintenance around the house. Turned the scripts he wrote (which he had kept) into a book of the same name after he sold his business and retired. I work with both hand and power tools. Have collected, sharpened and restored too many handplanes to user status, enjoyed learning to restore and sharpen too many handsaws. Same with chisels. Have thinned the herd of all three down to the ones I use.
Don't have much time to do woodworking, but have made cradles for grandchildren, odds and ends of furniture for our house and our children's homes, enjoy making Shaker oval boxes. etc., etc. My wife manufactured picture frames for a number of years and had a successful business traveling the large craft show circuit in a number of states.
From a woodworking perspective, that's a decent overview of me.
Alan - planesaw
Dogwood Ridge Woodworking, Just a one-person shop with no web page.
Rick and Everyone,
Thanks for the names. Hopefully when I retire, Lord willing and good health permitting, I'll create a business. May do so before then just to get the ball rolling.
I like the idea of using my name, or last name, as part of the business name. Shows one is willing to take responsibility for what goes out the door. But there are some great names for such as woodworking businesses that don't include a name.
And, of course, the name of the business can be a marketing strategy in and of itself. Decisions!
Alan - planesaw
When I had my business, a one-man shop, I called it The Classic Craftsman.
Beachwood Cabinets....
I live at the beach and use only wood in my cabinets. I saw some nice catchy names in reply to your post.
Been at the woodworking game for a while and great trip, morphed through all kinds of product lines, 2.5 years ago changed name from NL Furniture to Furnitology Productions and wonder what level of creative woodworking we're all headed to next.
My video blog.........Episode 06 parts 1 and 2 on Carlo Mollino]
Edited 3/1/2008 5:54 am ET by a Furnitologist
Wood Ol' Boys Creative Woodworking, LLC @
Coming Fall of 2015! Please enter your email address for more information. Your address will be kept secure and confidential.
Thank you!
Business Name
Ours is Truax Timber Co
Check out our website! We make outdoor furniture from red and white cedar.
Hello... My business name is "TimberMaster LTD" Bespoke front doors & wooden windows manufacturer in UK.
For more details, Check out my website:
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