Mounting Power Feeder Assembly

I have a woodtek 3hp shaper with sliding table. I want to mount the base for a powerfeeder. The base has 4 bolt holes. Should I tap the table top so that the 4 bolts thread into the top (the entire power feeder with support is @ 30lbs)? Where is the best place to site the base—left rear corner if facing the shaper? Purchased from woodcraft supply but no info with shaper and no real technical support from the retail outlet.
Mine are mounted at the rear left as you descibe I drilled and used nuts and washers rather than tapping threads as I did not have taps large enough.The feeders are 4 wheel and weigh 62lbs the shapers are 3 and 5 hp and weigh about 750lbs ea to give you an idea of scale.
I have a Delta 3 hp shaper. I mounted a power feeder on on the cast iron top using threaded holes. Cast iron is relatively soft compared to steel and taps easily. My top is ribbed underneath for rigidity which made the task of locating the power feeder mounting foot more difficult. Not sure if your top is the same but you might take a look underneath. I also replaced one of my table extensions with a router table and my mounting location was also chosen to allow the use of the power feeder for both the shaper and the router table. I've used this now for several years and it performs nicely for both applications.
I do NOT have a power feeder... Some-day...
But as a old mechanic I would suggest your thoughts are reasonable.
I would suggest a backer plate of 1/2 thick soft steel of whatever width that will fit under the iron tabletop. Tap the steel... I would think a drill through would do with a lock washer and bolts.
Edited 9/10/2009 11:14 pm by WillGeorge
There are hundreds and thousands of shapers out in the world that have holes tapped in the cast iron top for the purpose of mounting a feeder. Choose your location so that you can reach the work easily, and in all the different feed applications. If you're unsure, you can clamp it to the shaper top and see how well it reaches the necessary locations before mounting it permanently.
Perfect answer... Now I need a power feeder...
most of us use a knife and fork!!!!! ;-)
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