Enjoyed the responses and past article on lining jewelry boxes. However, I have a question that remains unanswered. Many boxes show a necklace display on the inside of the lid. This display will have various numbers of hooks, and a pouch formed of the material, often with what appears to be an elastic piece hemmed in to keep necklaces secure while the box is in the closed position.
The question: for someone not sewing maching savvy, what recommendations for making this sort of necklace pouch…..or, does anyone know of a source for them. The ones seen on various high end boxes all appear to be a fairly standard size and quality, hard to imaging that each box craftsman is making the same thing the same way.
Any help, guidance and assistance is greatly appreciated.
Find someone who is sewing machine savvy....
As I recall watching my mother making elastic hems and such, it's not really difficult, but does require some practice to stretch the elastic "just so" as you're stitching the hem, so that when tension is released it puckers the fabric enough but not too much.
The elastic band material comes in many shapes and sizes, and is a standard fabric store item. Maybe if you hang around a fabric store long enough, you'll find someone who can do the work for you.
-Steve (who involuntarily hung around fabric stores a lot as a kid)
I'm not sure exactly what these necklace pouches look like, but could you hot-melt glue them together rather than sew them?
Rick W
this is a photo of what I'm looking for in the way of necklace pouch. Does anyone know a commercial source for these. I've searched the web using every conceivable iteration with no luck. I've looked under accesories, pouches, inserts, etc etc with no success. I wish I had time to become sewing maching savvy, just don't at the moment. mmmm, maybe if I were to stop discussing it here and bought a sewing maching to learn on....nah...that would be no fun.
I would take your photo to a fabric store. I'll betcha they could help you.
Failing that, we have a swap store in town. I was looking for velvet/velour to line some boxes I was making. I found a dark blue velvet ladies skirt that had an elastic waist band - just the ticket for what you're looking for. Of course you might want to cut it down to size! :-)
Bob @ Kidderville Acres
A Woodworkers mind should be the sharpest tool in the shop!
Edited 1/16/2008 9:10 am ET by KiddervilleAcres
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