Can anyone recomend a good average price moisture meter?
Can anyone recomend a good average price moisture meter?
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Not sure about the average price aspect, but I have been very happy with my Wagner "MMC 220" Digital Pinless Moisture Meter. No pins, very fast, and allows easy adjustment for virtually any species with a known specific gravity.
I also own and like the Wagner.J
From my investigations into the moisture meter market, it seems they are all quite good at their primary task. The key difference in price is due primarily to quality of construction (ruggedness)and additional bells and whistles. The top models Wagner, Delhorst(sp?)are made to be run hard and put away sweaty. Also, lots of options. A favorite among some is the Ligna or Ligno (sp?)that is fairly rugged with no bells or whistles. I bought a $34 dollar model from Rockler that never leaves the shop and is put back in the box after use, not rugged, no bells or whistles.
Thanks everyone,
It think i will spend the extra cash to get a pinless. I will be traveling to and from OKC a few times in the next few years and plan on touring some lumber mills. Due to a close relationship with Mr. Murphy I am a "get what you pay for" guy and need something rugged. These forums are great and i have gotten alot of good advice and opinions over the last month or two. I even got to give some too, not sure if it was good though! ha
Lignomats ("Ligno") and Delmhorst are the two brands I see mentioned the most. The Lignos have a very good reputation. I have concerns about the cheap knock-offs ($25, whatever) in terms of longevity. I scored a Delmhorst J-lite on sale a couple years ago for around $100. I like the ability to add longer pins or a remote electrode (dreams of having a stack of air-drying lumber someday).
I'd just throw in why I prefer the pinless meters. They allow you to monitor several areas of a board easily. More importantly they allow you to know what you are buying. I don't think it is good form to pound pins into boards still owned by the lumberyard. It may be true that pins are a smidge more accurate, but for sure it is close enough.
"I don't think it is good form to pound pins into boards still owned by the lumberyard. " I totally agree, Steve. I don't take my meter to the lumberyard. And someday, I'm going to buy a pinless that can go with me there. forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
I bought a cheap $20 moisture meter. It uses pins and doesn't have any species adjustment features short of a chart listing some commonly used woods. However, I don't rely on it for accurate moisture readings, but only for comparisons. When the wood being tested reads at the same level as something that's been in my shop for a while, it's dry enough.
Chris @
(soon to be
- Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer
I have a few but I find I reach for the Lignomat first. It has two wood species ranges that handle almost all woods. 9 volt. Comes with a set of short pins and a second set of long ones- they tend to rattle inside the case itself. no biggy. Doesn't measure below 6. analog. diode readout. Stable reading after 2 seconds.
I think it was $100-140.
I don't use one. I just ask the board, and it tells me.
I am . . . The Board Whisperer. (LOL)
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