Mobile bases in all the right places

Who makes the best universal mobile base for machines like jointers and planers? Personally I have the Jet mobile base on my 16″ planer and love it. I need a new base for my new 8″ Griz jointer, so I thought I’d ask before buying another Jet base….
…and no, unfortunately my new Griz jointer doesn’t have a mobile base built in and I just didn’t notice. It does however, have the spiral carbide cutterhead. Yeah baby, that’s right….carbide is…the only way to fly!
HTC makes a first-class product.
"I sometimes think we consider the good fortune of the early bird and overlook the bad fortune of the early worm." FDR - 1922
HTC bases are good. The Herc-U-Lift from Ridgid works well, although it's a bit complicated to assemble, and will generally only fit "four-legged" equipment (as opposed to equipment with a cabinet-style base).
There are two of the Jet universal bases.. the lighter duty and the heavy duty which you probably already know. I have a router table-cabinet and a 12" SCMS with 16" extensions on the light duty. I have a 18" SC BS on the heavy duty along with a SC 8" jointer which weighs probably about the same as your Grizzly.
That jointer resides in my back shop on the mobile base until needed and gets rolled up to the cut area by the outer doors and cyclone. An average of around 3 times a day (only twice yesterday). It scoots right up on the concrete floor in under 30 seconds.
So.. I agree the Jet heavy duty is best universal as I sold 5 HTC universals.. But.. my 5 HP TS is too large for it. My 20" planer is also and it weighs too much for the Jet rating. My Industrial mortiser would probably work on it (650 lbs.) but I got a custom welded base thrown in when I got it.
BTW.. the Jet is the easiest to assemble and adjust widths I have ever seen. So.. unless it is a very heavy machine warranting a custom welded base... I ride the Jet Heavy Duty.
The Grizzly people list at least three grades of of mobile bases. I ordered the heaviest one "1300#" some three months ago but I can't tell you how good it is because I'm still waiting on delivery.
I don't know if I've ever seen what I think would be the ideal MB. What I visualize as being the ideal would be one that could lower the wheels in relation to it's frame to raise the tool to move it. That way the tool could sit right on the floor when in use but raised up high to move on uneven floors. I don't think the tool should have it's weight on the wheels all the time.
I don't like spending lot's of money on mobile bases so I usually make my own out of angle iron or I make a platform with a descent set of swiveling, locking wheels, for the machine to sit on. The problem I have with store bought mobile bases are the fact that the wheels are to small to effectively and easily move around the shop. Those smaller wheels are especially difficult to move on an uneven floor or out of the shop(over the threshold) for whatever reason. So I usually make my mobile bases with wheels that are around 4 1/2" to 5 1/2" high. There is and article or two in Fine Woodworking magazine about making mobile bases if you want to look them up. Also if you do a search on this site under "Bandsaw mobile bases revisited" you'll see an example of a mobile base that I made for one of my bandsaws. Yes it's a little bit of work ,but I'm retired and a penny saved is a penny earned for me, and besides it's fun to make them.
For my drill press and bandsaw i bolted them to a piano dolly from harbor freight 15-20 mobile base. jointer I had a custom sized HTC built 3 wheel. I found the 4 wheel version very difficult to get started moving. I also store most everything that needs to move around on inexpensive piano/furniture dolly.
I recently purchased a Grizzly GO634 12" jointer/planer and put it on a Grizzly mobile base G7314 It rolls and turns easily on my plywood floor. I highly recommend both the GO634 and the G7314.
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