Dear Someone
I am new to the cyber world of woodworking, but not to FWW. My first issue was #15 and I have been a subscriber since 1977 or so.
I am too busy to sit down and go thru issues 15 thru what is it now, #200, to find an article on building a Mission style bed. I was never much interested in the Mission style, but my daughter is and now I must find plans.
Can any one help me find the article(s) relating to the beast?
Thanks in advance.
Take look in issue 156 page 44. Mission style is often called Arts and Craft style and that is what it is called in this article.
There is an online index for all of the back issues of FWW. Go to the Home page, its the tab on the left just below the Fine Woodworking logo at the top of this page. Once you are on the Home page click on the "Search Tips" just below the top section, that will tell you how to find old articles. Don't try to be too specific, I just searched for "beds" and then quickly scanned the titles of the 50 or so articles that came up.
John White
Edited 12/3/2008 7:12 pm ET by JohnWW
Edited 12/4/2008 5:48 pm ET by JohnWW
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