Marc Adams School of Woodworking Catalog

I just the MASW catalog in the mail, and I was eyeballing a couple of courses, I was just wondering if anyone here was doing likewise. I am thinking about taking the Bandsaw class by Michael Fortune and the Decorative Veneering class by Paul Schurch.
Have not taken any by the Marc Adams school. But have been to a ton at Highland Hardware who has hands-ons every week-end by local and nationally knowns alike. Have seen Maloof twice there with Kresnov, Klaus and Odate.
What I can tell you, if these are reputable WW teachers and the price is not outrageous; it is worth the effort. I have learned much not only from the instruction, but from some rather good craftsmen that attend.
IMO, it sure beats sitting home watching a ball game or a sit-com...Ha.....
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