Hi all, I am currently deployed to Afghanistan and I am thinking of taking on a project of building a bench plane (when I get back). I think an infill type would make a good project for me. I found a kit type on Ebay that looks nice. What I am really wondering is if there are any books on how to make planes? I searched amazon with no luck. I haven’t seen them on here. Maybe I am just missing them. Anyone know where to find some good reads on this subject. I am looking for some new reading material anyway. Additionally, if anyone has any thoughts on this, I would love to hear them. Thanks, Mike
Edited 11/22/2009 10:50 am ET by Paratrooper34
Where in Afghanistan are you? I am in Kabul...
I am in Zabul Province, RC-S
Good thing (for you ) they reprinted that second one. The value of my old copy was up to $175.00 when no new copies were available.
Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. Abraham Lincoln ( 54° shaves )
Edited 11/22/2009 1:58 pm by roc
You'll find lots of information on Cameron Miller's site:
Thanks everyone for your help. much appreciated.
Mike, you've already had some good replies.
I just wanted to say, watch your six, have a safe Thanksgiving and thanks for what you're doing.
Thank you for your service gentlemen.
Rob Kress
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