Well figured I should start a new thread
Still attempting to get paragraphs to show up in Knots using iPad.
This is from a previous post here http://forums.finewoodworking.com/fine-woodworking-knots/general-discussion/amount-time but I figured out how to sneak my meaning through the “Knots Machine” . Each time I give an example of the cool guy code it thinks it is real and does a paragraph even if I put it in parempthasise . I am trying to demonstrate the problem I am experiencing getting returns/parragraphs to show up in posts here using an Apple iPad. Here goes . . . . Did it work ?
Sorta kinda . . . But no not really.
Here goes . . . .
Did it work ?
There that’s better. First I took the post to Pages app and formatted it and pasted here. Didn’t do all I put in. Then I entered a bunch of these : < plus a “P” and another >;
” manually and that did it. Hmmmmmm give it time I suppose.
Oop now I am seeing these things turning up : < plus a / and plus a “P” and another >;
“. This is going to be “fun”.
Non computer science people with an iPad, you are on your own. My advice : take a rope and a machetie with you.
and good luck
I am glad they didn't finish the IPads with shellac. It doesn't hold up to modern usage. I thought that mortise and tennon joints would be stronger, but the extra weight would not have made it portable. So I am guessing that the IPad that my wife is about to buy will be a very good "investment".
I think back to my first "Mac" back in 1986, and then to my first "Mac II", and so on and so on. IT has been fun. I remember having a "Winchester Drive" back at work. Of course, I also remember punch cards and punched paper tape. I remember fan fold paper. I remember 80 baud. Things are much cooler now, but I thought they were cool then.
Three cheers for Apple and their push to keep computing "cool".
I can see you with an IPad strapped to the handlebars of your bicycle, texting away as you go down a mountain pass at speed.
Life is great. (( Look at the alternatives :-) ))
Keep on computing.
Looking for the future is like looking for love:
If you just wait a while, it will come to you.
the future
The future isn't all it's cracked up to be. Just ask the Mayans. ;-)
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