LN # 7 or # 8 — preferences?

Does anyone have a strong preference for either the #7 or #8? I like the fact that the #8 is longer, wider, and heavier, but does that make it difficult to use? If you were going to buy one of the two, which would it be?
I have the LN #8 and a #6. The 8 is great for long boards and big surfaces. Lots of momentum.
I like the #6 for smaller boards and shorter edges.
Probably use the #8 70% of the time and the #6 for the rest.
I have the L-N 7 which I use most frequently of my jointers. I have an antique Stanly bedrock 608 which I use for longer boards, and I have a Clark Williams wooden 30" jointer which ia wonderful on long 8' boards to put an edge on. If you are new to hand planning I would definately start with the #7 because it is lighter and at 22" can handle a lot of jobs.
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