Hi folks,
I usually hang out at FHB Breaktime but am stopping by here to see if anyone builds Liturgical artwork for churches? We may have a contract to do some pieces and was looking for some general insight.
Specifically looking for resources for scaling items (crosses, ambry’s, etc) and ideas for wood species other than just holding up some small samples for the folks to decide upon. Also, what finishes have anyone found to be the most appropraite for the uasge. I apologize for such vague questions but I’m just in the fact-finding stage right now.
So any replies would be appreciated…
There's a guy named George over on the Old Woodworking Machines site who has done some amazing stuff. Not sure if you can reach this link without signing up for an id, but it's worth a look:
Thanks Pete. I'll go check it out.
I just completed a pair of alms basins (collection plates) that were made to match my church's lenten alter set (in this church, we try to tone everything down during lent - to the extent that the brass and silver get put away).
I'm not suggesting that I'm your guy -- I'm not. But when I made those bowls, I followed the design lead of the guy that had done the crosses, candleholders, and other pieces.
He still loves and works near here (30 mile SE of Raleigh), primarily doing church furniture. If you think it might help, I can probably get his name and contact info.
Support our Troops. Bring them home. Now. And pray that at least some of the buildings in the green zone have flat roofs, with a stairway.
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