Lights for display base project needed

Hi Gang,
I am trying to find small lights to install in a display base project. I would be open to 2 small incandescent low voltage, or some kind of small fluorescent bar. The base will be 4″ by 14″ or so, and as deep as the light fixtures require. Any one know of a vendor for these lights?
I'm unclear on your design, and how the lights will be used, but you might also consider LEDs, perhaps with some plastic diffusion material.
The design is a slab with frosted Plexiglas or glass recessed so that it is flush with the top. A crystal sculpture will rest on the top, being under lit by the lights. Does anyone have a vendor or specific lights that have worked for them?Thanks,John
Ditto on the LEDs. No need to worry about venting built-up heat with them. You could make a light box under the top and spread out an LED rope, or mount an LED bulb some distance below the frosted glass top.Mike HennessyPittsburgh, PAEverything fits, until you put glue on it.
One other thought. If you have the crystal sculpture on hand, I'd suggest trying different lighting arrangements before you begin construction or settle on the type of "light panel" (i.e. frosted or clear). My guess would be that the optimal arrangement would be a clear panel with the light(s) directly below the sculpture. That way, the light is transmitted up through the sculpture, rather than around it. But, if you can, try different setups to see what you like the best.
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