There was a recent thread on online dealers that offered discounted prices on L-N tools but I can’t find my bookmark. Would someone please repost.
There was a recent thread on online dealers that offered discounted prices on L-N tools but I can’t find my bookmark. Would someone please repost.
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The website sells Lie-Nielsen planes cheaper than you can get them from Lie-Nielsen directly.
I've been SUPER happy with:
Best service I've had just about anywhere and discount prices on LN.
Thank you guys. That's exactly what I was looking for. I thought I had bookmarked them before but couldn't find them.
The prices I see on their web site, at least for the planes I'm interested in, are the same as Lie-Neilsen direct. Am I missing something?
Yes there is a discount that is refelcted when you "add to cart". You're not obligated to buy at this point or give any information as I recall. Usually at least 10% off. I got an Independace Dovetail saw for $113 which is about as good a price as I ever see. Bill is just a super guy too. I was after some sort of rabbet/shoulder plane and he spent over 30 minutes out lining my options and finding out what I intended to do. I was all excited about getting an LN shoulder plane and he talked me into a less expensive, by 1/2, but more practical for my needs plane.
He's knowledgeable with a passion for the tools as well as the work.
As good as a place I've ever done busieness with and far and away better than most.
Great. I'll give it a try. Thanks.
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