My daughter found me a LARGE cypress slab. It’s about 5′ x 4′ x 4″ thick. I’m wondering what in the heck to do with it! Any suggestions?? How much are these things worth??
PlaneWood by Mike_in_Katy
My daughter found me a LARGE cypress slab. It’s about 5′ x 4′ x 4″ thick. I’m wondering what in the heck to do with it! Any suggestions?? How much are these things worth??
PlaneWood by Mike_in_Katy
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Around here it goes for less than $1.70/bf.-S2S
OOPS...I didn't notice the width!!!!! Man...that's a wide board!
Edited 7/17/2002 4:16:27 PM ET by Del
It ain't a board! It's a slab cut horizontal off the top of the stump. Has a weird geometric shape. The kind you make coffee tables out of I guess??
PlaneWood by Mike_in_KatyPlaneWood
Because it has a "weird" shape, I'd definitely make a table out of it. Most of my clients who are in the upper $ market love anything that their next-door-neighbor can't get, and will pay top dollar for them.
By the way, I took a look at your website, and two comments: nice workmanship, and great site.
Len (Len's Custom Woodworking)
Edited 7/17/2002 9:23:43 PM ET by LRUTHERFOR1
Edited 7/17/2002 9:24:14 PM ET by LRUTHERFOR1
Out here in the middle of the desert (Las Vegas) ANY wood is precious. I did buy a truckload of pecky cypress from a contractor that was going out of business a couple of years ago, and here it sells wholesale for $6.00/bf if you can find it. It all depends on where you live, and how hard it is to find cypress there.
My suggestion is to build yourself a nice table. It would be terrible to saw up such a beautiful solid piece of wood.
Good Luck, Len (Len's Custom Woodworking)
I'm one up on you. My daughter found me two pieces about three years ago and I still haven't found any other use than a table top. I'm watching your responses.
Are you familiar with the work of George Makashima? Takashima? (Another senior moment, sorry.) If not, see if your library has a book on his furniture. He pioneered the now familiar style of furniture with organic shapes--usually the shape right off the tree. With a firm foundation that might just be the thing for your cypress.
No! I will not help you plane it flat!
The name you're looking for is "George Nakashima", author of "Soul of the Tree" (or is it "Soul of a Tree"? Whatever, get the idea!)
Nakashima was a incredible woodworker who specialized in artsy, eclectic styled furniture. One such featured a slab of old growth wood with the bark still on it. I think it sold for around $35,000.00 (reproductions of that table were selling for $15,000.00!)
Nakashima (who has since past away) had a studio in New Hope PA (not far from me). His daughter runs it now. It supposed to be pretty cool to visit.
Thanks for correcting me. Even as I wrote those two names, they didn't sound right. It's my curse. When I was teaching at the university I would apologize to the students for not remembering their names--and I apologized the first day!
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