Jointerman’s Delta DJ-20 vs. Martin T54
I just had to share this with everyone on Knots. I’ve been trying to mill some rough 4/4+ cherry lumber trim on my house. I milled up 6 boards each between 4-6 feet long. with my DJ-20 and Dewalt 733 planer. It was a lot of work and I was about to give up when I was talking to my cabinet maker, he suggested that I bring some of it over to his shop to mill the next time I went ove to talk about my kitchen cabinets which he is building. I jumped at the chance, I’ve been envious of his big Martin machines. It was really cool to play with machines of this caliber, here are my quick impressions.
Jointer: DJ-20 vs. Martin T54: I always thought that the DJ-20 was my first real professional grade tool. But the huge table and amount of power on Martin jointer was incredible, it let me take 1/16th of an inch off with each pass, including a 10 inch wide board!
Planer: Dewalt 733 vs. Martin T45: Again, no comparison here, my portable planer versus a big stationary planer.
Delta Contractor Saw vs. Martin T73: Wow, this has to be the mother of all table saws! I think that its bigger than my garage shop. I did notice however, that when I was ripping a two inch strip off a nine inch wide board, the tension from the cut off piece would bind so tight againt the riving knife that I could barely push the board through. This happens with my Biesemeyer splitter, but I didn’t know that I’d have the same problems on the riving knife since its so close to the blade.
Using big iron like that is very fun especially jointers for large boards. A trick I used for wood that wants to close up and bind on the splitter is to wedge it open with a small wood wedge that way it can't grab the splitter or worse the blade.
Take care
Troy,That's an intriguing idea. I hadn't thought about using the splitter and shims behind the splitterto keep the wood from binding against the splitter. I used to use shims when I didn't have a splitter. But then one of the shims fell onto the blade and spit it out somwhere in my shop. That's when I decided to mount my Biesemeyer splitter.
I would definitely keep the shim far from the blade or the blades slot.Take care.Troy
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