jointer/planer combo machines
I currently have a Robland 12″ combo that has done great service for me. I want to upgrade to a 16″ and am looking at Knapp AD410, Felder 951. and Hammer A341. Is there anyone out there who has experience on any of these machines Pro or con. Thanks for the help.
i would go to the felder owners group on yahoo and the message board at laguna tools and you will find lots and lots of opinions.
i have the felder from 3 years ago and it has given no problems. I would definately opt for the motorized planer table lift! I never thought i would need it but it makes the conversion from j to p much easier.
As far as the hammer goes, if i remember correctly the jointer tables lift independantly.. if so thats a bit more of a pain.. they did get rid of that terrible colors though.
on knapp, do you want to deal with laguna?
Is dealing with Laguna a problem? Thanks for the info.
i dont have any experience with them.. (just pre sales) that never ended up happening.
You may try to read up on past posts on their customer service.
I can strongly recomend felder for support and also have heard good things about mini max.. but with mini max you have the seperate jointer tables which seems a bit cumbersom compared to the felder.
Again, i cant stress enough the motorized planer table. I nearly didnt go for it and im glad i did.
for my part, i have dealt with both felder and laguna, and both are far from perfect. i've heard horror stories about both, and both have made mistakes in selling me significant items. i think you need to find a salesperson you are comfortable dealing with and who you believe will take care of you if problems develop, but either way you won't be 100% certain in advance if you will be satisfied with the service.
which felder machine do you own?
i have an rl125 on order for the past 3 months -- should arrive next month, looking forward to it.
interesting first choice for a felder item.
Enjoy your clean air!
Edited 5/10/2005 2:29 am ET by jay101
Edited 5/10/2005 2:29 am ET by jay101
i agree, most people that have felder dc's probably have felder woodworking machines as well, but i found that the rl125 to be the only very high quality mobile dust collector (all criteria) out there in the sub 3k space.
If I were in your enviable position of both living in the U.S of A and having this choice of machines to make I would go and try them out- make the seller do some work for his buck.
Also , avoid those machines that rquire the tables to be lifted out of the way when converting to thicknessing. On a decent machine the tables are heavy, even though thy may be spring assisted, to say noyhing of the PIA involved.
If you have the room, get separates. The conversion on the combo units is a PITA, at least for an absent minded guy like me. In the price range your considering there are a lot of used industrial units out there to be had that will be as good or better. I also had the Robland at one time.
I respectfully disagree. While I *do* agree that having separate machines is ideal for a production environment, I have yet to develop the ability to joint and rip a board at the same time :). I have a CU 300 smart from minimax and it takes <30 seconds to convert functions. Also, the space savings for the capacity of machine is tremendous. As far as each function goes, I have modified my work habits to account for using the different functions in an efficient manner.Tom
Tryan, I do disagree. Combinations units are a concession to space and to some degree cost. If this were not the case, they would be the norm, rather than the exception in cabinet shops.
Having said that, they can give very good results, just not as quickly, or with the same degree of repeatability as can separates of like quality.
I have used the Mini-Max, Felder, Roibland and Knapp offerings; I currentl own a Knapp combination sliding tablesaw and shaper.
Well, we'll just have to agree to disagree then, but i'm not sure what we're disagreeing about. As far as repeatability, I have more precision with my minimax than i ever did with Delta/Jet stuff. Besides, the cost for like separates would be exceedingly exorbitant for a hobbyist/small professional. E.G. :12" Jointer, 8' Sliding Table saw, 8' Sliding 1 1/4 Spindle shaper, horizontal mortiser etc. I digress, to each his own.
Actually I was impressed with the Mini-Max offerings. The CU300 is a very well made unit.
All I am saying is that having worked with several combination units, and numerous separates, I prefer separates if possible given that space and funding are not limiting factors.
I do not have experience with the machines you listed so feel free to ignore me. I have a MiniMax J/P combo and did some good research before buying. Robland and Hammer are not in the same league as Felder or Knapp, so you should decide on a budget before comparing. If you have the money, you will be happier with the latter. If you don't buy the high end, then consider MiniMax.
Reason to buy a combo: I agree that the main reason for my purchase was space. Secondary was jointer width, and tied for third was quality and functionality (Tersa).
Good Luck,
Hi Bob,
You might want to consider the Minimax CU410 Elite combo unit. I own the jointer/planer version of this machine (FS41 Elite) and couldn't be happier. Just another option to consider..
Good Luck
I can not speak for the Felder, but the Knapp AD410 is a remarkable machine. I know because I own one. I am a carpenter/ builder who can recognize excellent craftsmanship, and this machine is it! It is simply the most sturdy, most precise piece of woodworking equipment that I have ever seen, but I have decided to sell mine because quite frankly, it is too good for my occasional needs. I could not imagine keeping it out of the hands of some talented craftsperson/ people much longer than I already have. If you or anyone else is interested, you can contact me at (606)-663-9824 and ask to speak with Aaron. I am located in Stanton, KY. I am only asking $8,995- that is $4,000 less than the new price. You can also email me at [email protected].
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