I have to change out the knives on my Powermatic 54A 6″ jointer for the first time. I am thinking about getting a jig to help align the knives after I sharpen them. From various pieces that I have read this looks like it could be much more of a challenge without a jig. The two that I have seen online are the “Magna-Set” from Woodcraft (which may be the Delta product) http://www.woodcraft.com/family.aspx?DeptID=2167&FamilyID=908 and the Woodstock (Grizzly) version (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0000DD0P3/ref=ord_cart_shr/104-6475553-4252731?%5Fencoding=UTF8&m=A2LM8ZC59IT9RX&v=glance).
What do you think of these and/or do you know of a better product?
I will be sharpening the existing blades but would like to purchase another set. Do you have recommendations for a third-party knife such as the Freud C400 three-knife set?
Happy New Year to you all.
Edited 12/30/2004 8:02 pm ET by Andy
Andy, I use the Oneway multi gauge which is more versatile- can be used for the setting planer knives as well. It is more expensive but I think it is worth it in the long run. Good Luck, Ernie
Thanks, Ernie.
I don't know how I missed seeing this tool. It looks great!
I have had great luck with the magna-Set.
Thanks, Napie.
I use a brass straight edge on the out field table and set the blades so they just touch when you roll past top centre. This is very cheap, fast(10 minutes) and in my opinion very accurate.
Edited 1/12/2005 1:33 pm ET by paulie
Thank you, Paulie.
Hi Andy. I think that most jigs will do an excellent job of setting the knives parallel but a lot of care must be used in setting them at the right height. I don't know if your jointer has an adjustable outfeed table but your knives need to be higher than the outfeed by a fractional amount. The exact amount varies by feed rate, number of knives, and the typical material being jointed. The general rule of thumb is to set your outfeed table so that a flat piece of wood will be pulled about 3mm when you rotate the cutterhead by hand. The reason for this is so the high points of the scallops created by the machine, rest on the bed. Good luck.
Thank you Peter. Very good info.
Sorry for the late response. Somehow I missed your post.
FWIW, I use a sheet of glass resting on the outfeed table and some powerful magnets to hold the blades up while I tighten them into place - I don't remember where I learned this technique (did I invent it? - I doubt it) but it works like a charm.
Thanks, Mark. That sounds interesting. I will give it a try.
Interesting idea Mark. How do you ensure you have the blades at top dead centre? And how do you avoid moving the blades while tightening the gib bolts?
Regarding Top dead center - I honestly don't remember - it's been years since I replaced the cutters - it is possible that I just "eyeballed" it. My outfeed table height is adjustable too so it may not matter.I remember that the moving blades was a problem while tightening them into place and I don't remember how I dealt with it...Mark
Use the stick method!!!
Life is what happens to you when you're making other plans .
I duuno how yer machine is set up, but my 2040 makita planer uses the stick method.
I did at one time try using a dial indicator to "improve" alignment, but it didn't offer any benifet to me.
I've used the stick method with my jointer with success for years now too.
I note that others have indicated using glass (gotta try that one!)
It's interesting how many folks suggest inexpensive methods that have served them well for many years.
just might be something to it eh? doncha figure? A solution that is quick, easy and at hand. What else would give a gizmo marketer nightmares.
Eric in Cowtown
Thanks, Eric
Don't kid yourself on the stick method. I set up machines professionally and use a special indicator. I can change the knives on a 20" 4 knife jointer in less than 1/2 hour and keep it within .0005".
Thanks, rick3ddd.
This is the gauge I use. No longer available but a block of wood and a $15 indicator from Enco works fine. I use a 1/2" convex button tip but if you can make sure the indicator is perpindicular a 1/2" flat tip would be simpler and top dead center is no big problem.
Thank you very much for the photo. That would surely do the trick. I like the heft of it, too.
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