Jointer infeed table disassembly

I just acquired an old Rockwell 8-inch jointer. It works well, except that the infeed table is extremely hard to adjust. It takes both hands to move the handwheel and I am considering taking it apart to lubricate the mechanism.
Since I’ve never owned or maintained a jointer, I’d like to ask for advice on how to proceed. Especially helpful would be any suggestions or precautions in reassembling the machine, alignment issues, and recommendations for lubricants.
Did you release the table lock tab before turning the wheel?
Beat it to fit / Paint it to match
Yes. The knob for the table lock tab loosened up fine.
Edited 4/9/2007 10:38 pm ET by jfkbunkie
Step 1 (after you've verified the lock is backed off of course) is to go out to Ace Tool Repair's website and eyeball the exploded view. Most likely there's gunk in the top end of the ways and also in the raise/lower mechanism. When you slide the tables out, keep track of the orientation of all the parts and put them back the same way. You want to be careful that you don't overtighten the gib screws, especially the ones at the ends, as this could cause the ways to crack.
If you're going to take it apart, you should consider replacing the bearings too. This should be pretty straightforward with simple tools. I recommend you avoid bearings from the hardware store as they tend to be poor quality.
I used Finish Line brand wax bike lube to help reduce the amount of dust caught in the threads.
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