I see that the jig free sharpening message has made it to the hallowed pages of FWW. That’s two in a row, hollow grinding on a dry high speed wheel and now this. The article on honing is just what the doctor ordered!
I might renew my subscription….
I don't know why you want a subscription to a publication that prints stuff you know and agree with. What will you learn?
Me, I like stuff that makes me spit, fume, sulk and learn some new thing, even if it be a mite unpaltable and causes a face-gurn until the outlandish taste is got used to. :-)
Lataxe, who only draws the line at buying newspapers (what use are downright lies and stories about celebrity antics, after all).
Then you should tune in to some of our telly broadcasts and watch some commercials. Don't plan on larnin a whole lot though.
I garaunteeeeeeeeeeeeee you'll at least spit! Either that or you'll wind up wanting your pablum and someone to change your diaper.
Regards,Bob @ Kidderville Acres
A Woodworkers mind should be the sharpest tool in the shop!
In wore hoosey, the ladywife and I watch very little telly; we are busy, you see, and only slump in front of the one-eyed monster for an hour before bedtime, whilst sipping grog.
These days the tele is just a digital tuner card in the PC, which amongst other things allows the use of chasing playback to more or less avoid the more pernicious effects of any adverts. All them mind-rotting gew-gaw propagandists (otherwise known as "actors with no work and less conscience") look most ridiculous when speeded up to 8X, as one plays the chase. Also they are muted, so look even sillier as they simper, articulate their faces with mock-concern and look smug about the colour of their bufooned hair or expensive "beauty-muck" plastered fizogs.
The above trick also works exceptionally well with rock bands and other posing loons that have their heads fairly well lodged in their own dark places, although 2 - 3X speed-up is best then. How they do grimace and prance, which hilarious gurning is amplified by the lack of sound! We rolls about laughing until the socks go loose.
Of course we are also lucky in Blighty as we have the BBC, an advert free zone (apart from their tedious trailers for their own future programmes). Just now we are gawping at Andrew Marr's "History of Modern Britain" - a revue of British politicians and their doings over the last 60 years. Most enlightening; and entertaining, in a way that only poiticians seem to manage (Great Big Silly Ideas; Great Big Feet of Clay). I enjoy the Tory hats and Big Hairs of the 80s, more than anything.
Lataxe, who entertains hisself in a shed and is only gulled by tool porn ads, curse them.
Edited 6/17/2008 9:31 am ET by Lataxe
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