At high speeds my Jet 17″ DP vibrates enough to make it difficult to hold the piece in place without clamping. I was wondering if this is a belt set problem and if link belts would cure it or maybe its the chuck. I haven’t run it without it yet but intend to test this weekend. Does any body else have this problem with their DP’s. Mines a floor model not bench.
Steve – in Northern California
I think you need to track down the problem. First take the belt off altogether and see if the motor vibrates. Probably won't, but also gives yo a chance to retension the belt and examine it. The link belts are great and that may solve the problem.
If none of that does it, something is bent, like a pulley or a bearing is bad. I am assuming the spindle runs true since you didn't mention it. More than likely it is the belt and a link belt will do wonders for you.
Good Luck
Edited 5/8/2002 8:27:33 PM ET by John
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