Can anyone recommend an inexpensive kit of dry pigments for staining. Transtint sells only individually, dry pigments. Looking for a range of wood colors soluble in alcohol or water. Thanks greatly.
Expert since 10 am.
Can anyone recommend an inexpensive kit of dry pigments for staining. Transtint sells only individually, dry pigments. Looking for a range of wood colors soluble in alcohol or water. Thanks greatly.
Expert since 10 am.
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Unfortunately inexpensive and non-fugitive do not go together. Quality colors cost bucks. Some of the cobalt based colors are very expensive. The bargain tints may not be much to look at in a few years especially if they get some sun exposure through a window.
Maybe this set would help you
Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. Abraham Lincoln ( 54° shaves )
Edited 10/12/2009 2:32 pm by roc
Professor Roc,
Sometimes you are simply inapprehensible. Most kindly, define nonfugative. Then send it to a dictionary so they can can add it.
In the words of Jim Carrey " Ohhhhhhreeeeaaaaallllly "Following in the foot steps of one of my mentors , well two really , one Douglas Adams and his character one (well in a fugitive sense ) one Dirk Gently (real name Svlad Cjelli, also known as Dirk Cjelli)Well hold on, actually Douglas, the author, is "gone" and Dirk, the imaginary character, is still here pretty much as much as ever. Well he was never hear ACTUALLY but is here more than Douglas at the moment. Which is the fugitive one and which is the non-fugitive one ? But I digress before I begin. Dirk said
Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable, let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it ...So thus prepared follow me into the world of pigments and note along the way the wordFugitive something can be Fugitive it may also be non-Fugitive. Permanent is a bit of a stretch for anything in this world so I prefer the "word" non-Fugitive. A color that does not fade as soon as it is exposed to the searing rays of our neighbor Sol but stands it's wood and fights the good fight ( before eventually being partially sapped of its vibrance and cast into a state of non-vibrance and graceful, or sometimes less than graceful, resignation to the non-permanence of the state that we have all agreed to call existence ( as apposed to the state of nonexistence ) ( which apparently according to science and religion ( the only things they can seem to agree on )) is the state of not being here but being here all the same but in an altered state ) .Do you begin to glimpse the problems we can get into discussing the things you have so imprudently dredged up ?Perhaps tendingtowardthestateofpermanance would serve but that is such a messy word. Do try to make friends with our non-Fugitive friend. After all he will be with us for some time.Do drop in anytime young Mr. jonnieboy I do enjoy our little chats.rocPS: Glancing back over what you and I have written I have gleaned that perhaps you refer to my spelying of the word.In that case NEVERMIND Perfect spelling is for people with minds that work that way. Photographic or what ever. I can't think (get an exciting idea down before I forget it ) on paper and spell properly at the same time. Hemingway said the first draft is always $hit. That is what proof readers are for. Not sure if spelling was what he was referring to but I am going with it.Besides due to my birth defect of not being born a good, some would say remotely adequate, speller. I use a spell checker of some notable prowess. yet recognizing the hopelessness of the situation early on in this chat room 9619 has granted me and others leave to missspell away at will. I miss Will he moved back east and we have lost touch. If you are out there : Hello Will ! me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. Abraham Lincoln ( 54° shaves )
Edited 10/12/2009 3:33 pm by roc
Ohhh, "nonfugitive." I was thinking more along the lines of a fugue, as in music, a storm. So non-fugative is clear, or having much clarity and calm. By jove, old boy, you've invented word!
Do yew no how long peeple hav ben trying 2 due that?
That's why you're now... (drum roll, fanfare) Ta-Dahhh!...
Roc! The Reference Librarian!
Guys, I should have been wearing my chest waders for that line of malarkey. lol
Ha, ha, ha, aaahhhh, Ha, ha, ha, haTo quote Niels on Frazier when he saw his Dad wearing chest waders :"Oooo there's a Fashion fopaux averted I almost wore my big rubber pants "Ha, ha, ha, aaahhhh, Ha, ha, ha, harocGive me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. Abraham Lincoln ( 54° shaves )
You are not alone in your views. Here is one of my favorite posts. Pure poetry. me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. Abraham Lincoln ( 54° shaves )
You realize, I'm sure, that all PhD stands for is: "piled higher, deeper" And we all know what is being piled. btw .... good one about the pony ;) At this rate, chest waders are not going to be enough. Maybe a deep sea diving suit or something. :p
Check out They sell a fairly wide range of pigments for woodworking. The earth colors are generally fairly light fast, cover much of the range of wood tones, and depending on the particular colors aren't horribly expensive. If you look under the "products" tab, go to the online catalog covering p, for pigment. Lots of chemical dyes as well.
I just re-read the OP. It says he is looking for pigments, but then says water soluble, or alcohol soluble. That suggests he is looking for dye, not pigment. TransFast is the powdered dye made for Jeff Jewitt. The other major brand of powdered dye is . This is also sold at a number of outlets, including Woodworker's Supply, under their J.E. Moser house label.
Edited 10/12/2009 7:56 pm ET by SteveSchoene
Excellent resources, especially Olde Mill Store. Thanks for sharing it.
You also might consider how much solution can be made by the individual items in kits, and what refill quantities are available. I decided several years ago to purchase individual Transfast dyes, and using a very accurate old lab scale (given by a friend) mix about 4 ounces at a time.
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