Hello, everyone,
I have been using a Lemmer HVLP conversion gun with a rather limited-capacity, hobby-level, oil-less compressor for the past year and a half, with mixed results. The limiting factor appears to be my compressor, due to its limited CFM at the lower psi settings, which is where Lemmer recommends I run my compressor with their gun. I have tried running my gun on a friend’s larger CFM compressor and it works considerably better than mine… but I’m still not 100% happy with the results. I am spraying waterborne lacquers and uarathanes for the most part (I have my shop set up in the basement and don’t therefore want to be spraying anything that could cause an explosion in the house), and some oil-based finishes during the summertime, when I spray in our garage or outside.
Because my compressor is beginning to show its age (it’s over 5 years old), I am considering making the switch to a HVLP turbine system, rather than purchasing a larger-capacity compressor. The fact of the matter is that I am using my compressor for solely a brad nailer and the afore-mentioned spray gun; I don’t envision adding additional air-driven tools to my shop. As such, I could easily purchase one of the more portable compressors for my nailer and the turbine system for spraying. This would also provide the benefits of portability, which is not something I would have if I were to simply get a larger and thus heavier compressor.
Any recommendations as to brand, model, type of fiishes you spray, etc., would be greatly appreciated.
Marty S.
I have a Fuji Q4 Pro that I am very happy with. Very quiet, very powerful (less thinning).
Regard it as just as desirable to build a chicken house as to build a cathedral.
Frank Lloyd Wright
Hi Marty,
I've been using an Appollo system, but don't claim it's the best.
You might want to check out the following websites:
Please let us know what you end up buying, and why,
"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive." Gil Bailie
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