I have a relative small cellar that I use as a hobby room. I’m looking for a cabinet to save my left overs. Especially small and larger pieces of MDF, plywood, …
I cannot drill holes in the wall to avoid any leakage risks. So I’m looking for a standalone cabinet.
Do you have any pictures or examples that work for you?
I have a few of those plastic 'milk crates' that I use for smaller pieces of 'scrap' and I've also used 5 gal buckets.
My experience has been that I save them thinking that "I'll use them someday" but that seldom actually happens. 90% of the hardwood scraps eventually become fireplace kindling and 100% of the softwood, MDF, particle board, and plywood go to the dump. - lol
Plastic milk crates stacked up with their open ends towards you is my solution. Pieces too big to fit into the milk crate without sticking out too far are left on top of the piles of wood, anotherwords I''l have a couple of shorter pieces on top of the 4x6 black walnut a couple of pieces on top of the 6x6 white oak and well you get the idea..
if you build a cabinet count on most of the wood going in and seldom coming out..... that way your grandchildren can have a bonfire in your memory...
Grandkids my aching fanny!!! I'm the one who likes to nap on the couch with a good fire going. - lol
If the walls are clean, you could hang a few cleats on it with construction ahdesive(PL-400 or PL-600 ought to hold). Then, you can make some kind of rack for the cutoffs and attach it to the cleats..
I'd recommend chucking anything less than 12" for board stock, anything smaller than 16x24 for sheet goods. It will just clutter the shop. I have a few storage methods I have switched to to handle my material.
After a while you realize it creates you more headache to hold onto it than what that wood is worth.
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