How do I set blade on Unisaw/52″Unifence

I’m familiar with how blade alignment is set by loosening & rotating the top on a cabinet saw but since the side extension table, the rear extension table AND the long Unifence rail are all attached to the top how do I actually tweak all this mass into position?
Dead blow hammer.
Why tweak it? Separate the tables from the saw,align the blade to the miter slots, and the fence to the miter slots.Rebolt the tables and you're done.
Is this what EVERYbody does? The more PITA the process the less frequently I will do it.
If you know how to do it, why ask. Loosen the top and rotate the base. A better question is why am I responding.
Dave Koury
I did it once, and it hasn't moved in the six years since. Having the wooden table there doesn't have any real effect on the process, either. You're only moving it to get a few thou change, so a little dead blow hammering and you're there.Be seeing you...
I was serious. A dead blow hammer works perfectly well even for fine adjustments.Tom
I knew you were serious and I assumed this was the recommended way. I was just wondering if it would be futile with all that stuff attached to the edges, loosening or removing it all would add greatly to the time required (and of course is never mentioned in the manual or in articles). I have a 6 or 8 pound one at work I will bring home & try. Maybe I should take DJK's avice & "rotate the base". Maybe using a deadblow hammer? Ummmm, sure.
If it's waaaayyyy to much of a PITA, give the saw to me! I dream of the day when tuning the saw involved moving (rotating) the top as opposed to loosening up the trunnions, which just begs for trouble.
As mentioned above, it doesn't seem like once the adjustment is made, it has to be done very often at all. That seems to be one of the advantages of a cabinet saw when compared to the lowly contractor's saw.forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
I just did this with everything on and attached last week after assembly. The added mass IMO actually makes it easier to move it accurately. Dead blow was indeed the ticket :)
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