Please bear with me, as i am NOT computer savy at all. Could someone tell me how to post a pic. I was able to so far get it from my camera to my documents. but now i am stuck.
Thanks alot.
Joe P
Please bear with me, as i am NOT computer savy at all. Could someone tell me how to post a pic. I was able to so far get it from my camera to my documents. but now i am stuck.
Thanks alot.
Joe P
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Hi, Joe. No problem at all! You'll post the picture as an attachment. First, before you start your new post, make sure that you are in "Advanced View." The link for that is at the very bottom of the right-hand frame. If you look and it says "...switch to Basic View" just leave it alone. That means you're already in Advanced View.
OK, so, you're typing along on your new post, right? When you're done with the written part of it, scroll down to near the bottom of the page, and you'll see a row of orange buttons:
Click on Attach Files, and a little window will pop up. If it doesn't pop up, that means you have a pop-up blocker active! You need to either turn it off, or tell it that the Knots site is OK for pop-ups.
Once the window comes up, step #1 is to find the file you want to upload. Click Browse and find the file, and click on it. Then press the Upload button. Then wait. The screen will do a little blip of some sort, and a message will appear at the very top saying the file is uploaded. You can then add more attachments, or you can click on Done. Then click on Post as usual.
Then you need to wait again, sometimes for a minute or more, before your post will appear in the thread (or your new thread will come up). Resist the urge to post it again, LOL.
A note from an old dial-up person: Please, please, crop and resize your pictures so they are not a large file size! They should easily be under 100 kb, and even under 50 kb if you crop and resize correctly. We'll help you with that if need be!
Have fun!
forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
Edited 7/7/2006 11:19 am by forestgirl
Forestgirl, thanks very much for the help. All set. Posted my first pics in machinery topics, under the thread mortiser help. Thanks again for the step by step instructions
Joe P
You're most welcome, Joe. Happy posting!forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
I told ya so.. joepez. That Forest Girl to the rescue again. If your local police and fire department respond as quickly, you are in good hands indeed. ha.. ha...
P. S. ... Hi Mrs. Jamie I'm going to work in case you slang one of dem walnut planks at me like ya used too. I can't duck as quick as I used to. :>)
SARGE.. g-47
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