Stop on over to the long thread in Hand Tools “Jointer plane question? Lie-Nielsen”, which has nothing to do with that topic. I asked for a list of the hottest topics in woodworking today. The first response was from Sean (Samson) and it is very very good. Please stop over and join in if you have a few minutes. What do you think of Samson’s list, and what topics would you put on the list?
The relevant message is 37729.4557
Who knows, if we generate a great list of hot woodworking topics, maybe FWW would think about publishing it in some form. Can you imagine, getting your words in FWW? Let’s give it a shot. What’s to lose? Even if the list just exists here on Knots, this is your chance to influence the thinking of some of the best woodworkers in the world (and also some of the rest of us).
Measure your output in smiles per board foot.
Shameless trolling for posts.
At least he hasn't lobbed a stick o' dynamite into the placid pool......What I want to know is, why do these self-appointed Designer (ooooh!)/makers think their loud-grained and uncomfortable sculpty pieces are any use other than for rich folk to buy for other rich folk to gawp at? Shurely shome mishtake to call it furniture?Also, how come they wants to copyright "their" designs, which are in fact ad hoc and even random conglomerations of various motifs from the commonly-owned design-spaces of various art and craft traditions? It's the Enclosures Act all over again, I tellee!Lataxe, a Leveller
I'm with you on the copyright business. It's nonsense. If you invent a new technique, patent it, but copyrighting a design is like copyrighting a painting. People pay for the one made by the guy who made it first, or they pay less for the imitation which in the end helps the guy who made it first. I've got a lovely rendition of Starry Night above my toilet, and no it's not an original. I don't see how it defames the man with one ear. Nor does anyone confuse it with the original.Now if people started making cabinets and signing them "Richard Jones" and their name happened to not be Richard Jones, then I'd understand. But I've not seen the kazillion Krenov knock-offs (I may be producing one myself unintentionally), and none seemed to hurt Mr. Krenov's sales numbers. It all seems a little self-important and petulant if you ask me. Which you didn't, but there it is :)Best,
We are two minds about this one. It's bad enough to think that anyone may be so disturbed as to give serious consideration to our thoughts on any topic, but to be threatened by the prospect of having those incondite meanderings thrust back at us in any recognizable form borders on purgatory.
In practice we are comforted by the knowledge that so far we have not said anything. We will try to not spoil our record. Have you ever considered that choice is the curse of civilisation? How can choice be singular.
Take it or leave it, mufti &mufti2.
Well said. That is, if in fact you said anything ;-))
Ah mufti,
"It's bad enough to think that anyone may be so disturbed as to give serious consideration to our thoughts on any topic"What made you think that I had in mind the giving of serious consideration to our thoughts? I was thinking that we would treat them like we treat everything else here on Knots? :-)Good to hear from you. It has been a while. I see that Ray has responded to you. Watch out for that guy. He can be dangerous.
MelMeasure your output in smiles per board foot.
Mel,Ray, dang-geroose? I think not (except to passing women enamoured of speed and large, vibrating mechanisms of a certain vintage). No, no - he is a pusycat and may sit on my knee any evening.Pedro is the dangerous one as he gets Passions and goes all wild-eyed. Also, he says pointy things and is building a (choke, guffaw) Roobay bench! Has he not heard the expression "The Hell of The North"? They might spell it different but we all know that it means "mad gallic bench with no proper vises and a dirty, cobbled top".As to Mufti, he is a sage. I believe he once travelled to the east and came back a changed man, as did so many other Victorians. However, he is inscrutable and his Great Thoughts often appear inchoate to our lesser minds. I blame the gurus and fakirs.LataxePS Who do you reckon to be the worst of the Designer/Maker Arteest poseurs? Mr Savage might be in the running but I nominate that Wendel bloke. Of course, there is a huge choice......
Who is the worst of the "Designer/Maker Arteest poseurs"?That is a difficult question. I have a hard time separating my opinion of a person from their work. The chances of me buying a $7,000 chair are quite limited. But if I ever was to buy a piece of Arteest furniture, it would be from someone that I like and respect. Some architects got into furniture design, who shouldn't have. Two who come to mind first are:
- Alvar Aalto
- Frank Lloyd Wright
Their stuff is god-awful, focusing on form over function. Does that answer your question.
Measure your output in smiles per board foot.
Thats an interesting thought. Some argue that furniture must be functional in the sense that it must be useful, comfortable, use materials efficiently etc. In the case of the architects you mention they had their own set of criterion in addition to those mentioned and perhaps even more important to themselves as designers. Especially in the case of Frank Lloyd Wright the furniture was part of the architecture. And the architecture was the realization of his notion of what space should be and how people were to move and use the space.
Passionate and wild-eyed. I like it. Thank you. It's nice to wake up to a compliment from Perfidious Albion.
Mel, on a serious note and apropos your later post, if I had the means to purchase quality of design and workmanship then I would hot-foot over to Mr Becksvoort. Of all the contributors, his work feeds the hunger of my soul.
For what it is worth, I agree. Becksvoort is the real thing. What is your take on David Savage?
MelMeasure your output in smiles per board foot.
Looking back over the vicissitudes of his career as published, I believe he is an honest and sincere craftsman.
You are a much better judge than I, but I came to the same conclusion about Savage.
MelMeasure your output in smiles per board foot.
Not true but thanks Mel! Any opinions I express are subject to E and OE.
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