Honesty from General about 50-220 hybrid
This is a crosspost from Knots, still unclear which is the appropriate forum for this item but thought this forum would be interested as well. In any case…
I recieved an incredible response from General about their new hybrid saw 50-220 and thought other woodworkers would be interested.
This saw was on the short list of upgrades but I’m leery of buying too light. But I am of a mind that while I know heavy cabinet saws will do what I need, a saw doesn’t need to be heavy to do what I need. Just accurate, reliable, and enough power to cut occasional 12/4 stock. But no power feeds and a fairly light duty cycle in a one person shop.
So I posed some questions to General and this was their response:
“Thank you for your inquiry and for your interest in General and General International products.
To be frank and up front, as a professional furniture maker I feel your interest in what is basically a home hobbyist type saw is somewhat misplaced. If your concern about down time is an indication of the importance a table saw holds in your shop then I would seriously recommend you consider paying the price now and investing in a full 3 hp cabinet saw. My personal belief is that if you are purchasing this saw as an inexpensive alternative to a full 3 hp cabinet saw and expecting the same performance, features and adjustability – then your expectations are not realistic and you may be disappointed, and this regardless of whether you choose our “hybrid” type saw or someone else’s. But if you are purchasing this saw knowing full well that it will give you cutting power similar to a contractors style saw but with better vibration dampening and better dust containment, then you like many others will be very satisfied with your purchase.
Now to your specific questions about the saw:
With the pulley system that is used to drive the arbor we’ve been able to get as good, if not better output while using a slightly smaller sized motor than that of the typical contractors saws. Not necessarily better or worse, it’s just a different design.
As for parts availability, to my knowledge there are no wearing parts that are proprietary or that could not be obtained from other sources if need be. From our end we certainly try to stock an adequate supply of replacement parts for all products in our catalog and strongly encourage (with varying degrees of success) our dealers to do the same.
Unless I have misinterpreted your words, I keep looking at your last sentence “I am not a hobbyist so need to minimize down time”, and I can’t help but wonder if you are really looking at the right saw for your needs? This is a question that only you can answer for sure.
I hope this adequately addresses your concerns. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us again.
Amazing! No BS, just an honest evaluation from a manufacturer. Frankly I can hardly believe it, I’m so used to having things “sold” to me. Maybe its just Canadian capitalism but its refreshing.
It appears a reliable, accurate saw with enough power is going to be a cabinet saw. Knew I couldn’t go wrong with a big cab saw but prefer a scalpel to a cleaver. But old USA PM 66’s are very nice cleavers so I’ll keep looking for one.
But great integrity from General, if I could budget the Canadian made cab saw I would. Their General International cab is a unicopy and if I buy a new import it lean to the Bridgewood which uses a Powermatic/General carriage and trunnion design.
But I will seriously consider General when the time comes, I would just like to do business with them based on that response.
It's great when a supplier can get "personal" with a potential customer. I've had similar exchanges with the SawStop people.
I'm curious about the general saw. Can you post a link to pictures/reviews etc?
Measure it with a micrometer, mark it with chalk, cut it with an ax.
http://www.general.ca/english/main.htmlLeon Jester
I love the direct approach and honesty...it's really refreshing. My experiences with General have been excellent in the past, and I've come to expect nothing less.
Between living about 75 miles from the Canadian border and working with my company's corporate affiliates from Canada, I've had the pleasure of dealing with many Canadian's over the years. I'll hazard a guess that on average, Canadians are a bit more down to earth and straightforward than the stereotypical gung ho American sales/exec types that we have too many of in the Northeast U.S. I bought my GI contractor saw from a dealer in Canada....no sales pitch, no hype, no problems. Good luck with your purchase.
Edited 4/6/2005 8:48 pm ET by scott spencer
I have just purchased a complete workshop full of General International equipment including the 50-220 Hybrid table saw with 50" fence, 15" planer, jointer, 17" bandsaw, drill press, dust collector and air cleaner.
I chose the 50-220 over a contractor saw since the price uplift was less than $75 and the current draw is less when both saws are configured to operate on 220volts. The operation of the saw is extremely smooth and is miles ahead of my Jet 10" contractors saw. I also uses the General fence system. I live in Canada and I could have sourced Delta, King, Busy Bee, Jet or General. After speaking with numerous woodworkers I was convinced the General International providerd the best bang for the buck with a company that has been in business forever.
Your comments on the honest upfront attitude of the folks at General are right in line with the treatment that I have recieved from them.
I had the unenviable task of sourcing all of this equipment for my dad (aged 87)after his workshop was destroyed by fire where he lost his lifetime collection of tools and treasures. It has been an emotional period for him during the rebuilding process and he left the tool replacement task up to me. To see the look on his face and the tears in his eyes when he saw all of that green General equipment, it just made the whole process very rewarding.
:) :) :) :) :)....nice note.
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