Could anyone give me any advice on how to charge for a cad drawing/cuttinglist/panel optimising service i am thinking of offering to local cabinetmakers and DIY enthusiasts.
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Typically, AutoCAD work is billed at $75 to $90 per hour (Chicago area). I do some CAD work for a buddy on the side and only charge $45/hour because the work is usually easy and I'm doing it from home with no overhead costs.
One thing to consider on the pricing level you choose, are you adding engineering or design work to the process or are you just spitting out a drawing based on someone elses work? The more you personally add to the process, the more you can charge.
Thanks for your help.
I am thinking of offering slightly more than just a drawing service, so maybe i will have to work out different prices for different services depending on what is involved.I think I need to put in a bit more work on what I plan to offer to whome,(professional / DIY ) and how to structure different packages.
Do you know someone else doing this work? If so, what's their pricing model?
It sounds like you in your own niche though. If so, charge whatever keeps the customers coming back and don't start on the low end. Go for it!!
No I dont know of anyone offering this type of service. Tanks for you possitive support. I'll let you know how I go When I do go for it. Thanks again.
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